Quick question on multiverse replays

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Quick question on multiverse replays

Postby vidius » Thu Nov 25, 2010 7:12 pm

Hey, I recently watched some multiverse replays I recorded last night; a mix of on-line ones and single player ones, and in all of them the replays seemed to be broken.

In the multi player ones I couldn't view any of the other players in the game, just my own clones. And all my own clones did was pace back and forward, however I could see the effects of the sabotage clones in my section of the multiverse (even though I couldn't actually see said clones) I was just wondering if this is a common occurrence, or a freak blunder on my recording. I know that one of the players in the match was on the demo and I was wondering if this may have something to do with it

In the single player matches (the ones against a clone master) I could view what the clone master was doing, but the problem was they weren't actually doing anything. All the clones in all of the matches (and I watched at least 4 on different maps) where just again walking backwards and forwards. This struck me as odd as all of these where hard multiverse matches so I know that the AI's clones should have been doing a lot of things (or at least, all the necessary things in the right order)

If its any help all of the recordings I watched where games that I won, so maybe that has something to do with it?

also this problem only seemed to occur on multiverse matches, I could watch all my other replays fine.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post, and I hope it is informative enough.
-sincerely, vidius
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Re: Quick question on multiverse replays

Postby CCX » Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:24 pm

vidius wrote:In the single player matches (the ones against a clone master) I could view what the clone master was doing, but the problem was they weren't actually doing anything. All the clones in all of the matches (and I watched at least 4 on different maps) where just again walking backwards and forwards. This struck me as odd as all of these where hard multiverse matches so I know that the AI's clones should have been doing a lot of things (or at least, all the necessary things in the right order)

This is a known issue, it has always been like that throughout the betas. The recorded replays for singleplayer MM levels will only play back what you did, and not the pre-recorded clonemaster actions. I've even run into a case on one of the mm levels (geode hill I think) where the lack of clonemaster actions actually caused a replay to not play back correctly at one point, but fortunately that should be rare, since objects on the clonemaster's side of the level typically do not overlap into your side.

Perhaps this is something rt could address in a future update.


Not sure about multiplayer multiverse-match replays--I don't think that has been tested much during the betas, so maybe you found a bug.
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Re: Quick question on multiverse replays

Postby tom » Fri Nov 26, 2010 1:13 am

I don't think multiplayer multiverse match replays has ever been properly tested. It's a complicated game mode and we had to do some tricks to get multiverse singleplayer checkpoints to work properly. I'll add this to our list of things to do: I'm sure we can get it working, but it will definitely not be fixed in the next update.
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Re: Quick question on multiverse replays

Postby vidius » Fri Nov 26, 2010 5:17 am

Thanks for the replies guys.

I wasn't sure if it was a known issue, or just my copy of clones having a moment.
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