Tutorial - My First Level

Help using the built in level editor to create your own levels

Tutorial - My First Level

Postby rt » Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:03 pm

The level editor built into Clones is a powerful beast, and like any beast it's important to know how to feed it. In this case the best food is proper user input.

First, from the main menu click "Extras" -> "Level Editor". Now click "New" at the bottom of the screen, this will load up the default new level.

Let's break this down into 3 steps:

1. Edit Level Settings
- Click on the "gears" button (or press F2) to open the level settings window.
- Type in a level title. e.g. "My First Level"
- If you want to make this a multiplayer level then select multiplayer from the "Level Type" list. For this example we will leave it as singleplayer.
- Set the game mode. For this example we will leave it as CorralTheClone.
- Save the level by clicking the Save button (3.5" disk)

2. Edit Group Settings
- Click the button with many clones on it (or press F5) to open the group settings window.
- Set the default player group. (i.e. the group the player will control when playing the level)
- Highlight the default group and configure the number of morphs you want the player to have.
- Save the level by clicking the Save button (3.5" disk)

3. Tweak, playtest, repeat
- There are 3 types of objects in the editor: terrain, traps, and clones. Terrain is land that the clones will walk on. Traps are interactive objects or logic that makes the level dynamic. Clones are, well, clones.
- Left click to select an object, and right click to view its properties.
- Add new terrain by clicking the Tree button (or press F3).
- Add new traps by clicking the red Start trap button (or press F4).
- Modify the position of objects until you are happy with the layout. Press CTRL-C to copy-paste an object. Right-click and drag to select multiple objects.
- Save the level by clicking the Save button (3.5" disk)
- Click the Play button (or press F8) to playtest the level. Select Menu->Exit to return to the editor.

This concludes the introduction and sample level tutorial for the Clones level editor. Enjoy! :)
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