Bugs/design issues v1.27

General gameplay issues and ideas

Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby Simon » Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:33 am

Tidying up what's left or has appeared since the current update.

#1. A variant of the chat bug. During the game, type something into the chat, but don't send it; unfocus the chat instead. When you wish to resume typing during the end of match screen, the message gets send immediately instead.

#2. When writing a long chat message and then backspacing a lot, the cursor will be at the left of the text field, even if there is still un-backspaced text. It's a common mistake to assume the field is empty when it's not. There should always be as much space used by the text as possible after any change.

#3. The server can nuke neutral clones while there are still enemy clones present. He can always draw CTC levels.

#4. Make/extend an option to disable screen shaking.

#5. Enabling/disabling silent steal should generate a message for everyone in the lobby.

#6. Huge clobbers don't bash horizontally, instead they work downwards like a gulper and stop after a short time.

#7. Spectators still have a color assigned to them, which causes oddities in rt's 2-player level with the clickable flip button. It also generates "you win"/"you lose" messages at end of level without the spectator being responsible.

Old issue: Lemmings-style assignment still assumes the Qwerty layout, or at least doesn't work properly for me.

-- Simon
Last edited by Simon on Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby rt » Tue Jan 25, 2011 6:40 pm

#3, #5, #6, #7 done for 1.28.

#4 - Why do you want to disable screen rumble?
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Re: Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby Simon » Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:19 am

rt wrote:#4 - Why do you want to disable screen rumble?

It gets in the way of efficient play when a player with lots of clones nukes, or several players nuke at once. Since it doesn't enhance the perception of events on the level (player hears the nuke/exploder sounds anyway), it is eye candy. Eye candy that may get into the way of playing efficiently should be disableable. Both me and geoo got thrown off by it a number of times.

I also wrote "pause bug" when I meant "chat bug" for issue #1, there was never anything wrong with the pause. This note is just for clarity. I edited the first post for this.

-- Simon
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Re: Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby Simon » Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:52 pm

#8. Chat messages may go into oblivion: This happens when you send a message just before the host reloads the level. (Observed after EOM screen, may occur on other reloads as well.)

#9. Check the 2p level Lurk for assymmetry. Have each group turn around at the skull, fall down the edge, and spin up behind the hatch. The left spinners get stuck at the top of the hatch, the right spinners will fall.

-- Simon
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Re: Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby rt » Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:41 pm

Simon wrote:Old issue: Lemmings-style assignment still assumes the Qwerty layout, or at least doesn't work properly for me.

What are your settings for Windows input language and keyboard layout, so that we can reproduce the problem.
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Re: Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby Simon » Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:54 pm

See attachment, it's the regular Windows version of Colemak. It's not included in the OS, but obtainable from http://colemak.com/Windows.

(In addition, I make heavy use of Autohotkey. I tried the game with Autohotkey turned off completely, but that didn't resolve the problem.)

-- Simon
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Re: Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby tom » Wed Feb 02, 2011 1:34 am

#1 and #2 are also done for v1.28. During my testing I also fixed a buffer overrun issue with pasting text into text boxes (this happened when pasting more text than allowed by that particular edit box).

#9 is also done.
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Re: Bugs/design issues v1.27

Postby rt » Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:11 am

Simon wrote:Old issue: Lemmings-style assignment still assumes the Qwerty layout, or at least doesn't work properly for me.

This should be working in 1.28.
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