Version 1.30 Released

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Version 1.30 Released

Postby rt » Thu May 12, 2011 11:16 am

We've just released Clones v1.30! Here is a list of what's new:

New Features
- Transition Queue for morphs, clone will do next task after
completing current one
- Morph On Click mode to emulate Lemmings-style input
- New clone AI available in editor
- New traps available in editor (DamageClone, KeyBind, ParticleSpawn)
- Nova will shatter a Spinning clone
- Player names and morphs now show during playbacks

- Game fonts now sharper at higher resolutions
- Updated Quantum Loop pregame voice bubble
- Wrap indicator on level select and minimap
- Lop Predict toggle state saved in player profile
- Low morph count indicator above clone
- Multiple clones under selected clone indicator
- Morph counts now display on scores menu
- Some popups can be closed with ESC now
- Morph count check is now on server
- Black holes tint to clone color briefly
- Directional force arrow for instant morph mode
- Auto game speed decrease if high lag players detected
- Co-op mouse position not tied to game speed

Bug Fixes
- Particle respawns if trapped under water
- Crash when uploading a package in fullscreen
- Fixed volume adjust showing Quit Game prompt
- Future clone Lop Predict bug
- Star Clone in test mode in editor bug
- Wrong CloneMaster in HUD during Co-op play
- Singleplayer port is now OS assigned, but can be fixed

A lot of these improvements were due to player feedback so thanks to everyone that submitted an idea to help us enhance the game!
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Re: Version 1.30 Released

Postby CCX » Thu May 12, 2011 2:35 pm

rt wrote:- Nova will shatter a Spinning clone

Haven't tried v1.30 yet (can't until much later today), but the last time it was brought up I don't remember any vote of confidence for having this. I trust that this is only an option like super-mold?
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Re: Version 1.30 Released

Postby rt » Thu May 12, 2011 2:57 pm

CCX wrote:the last time it was brought up I don't remember any vote of confidence for having this. I trust that this is only an option like super-mold?

It's tied to the Shatter Doppel option so it's on by default. Thus far it's played out as a fair trade but feedback is welcome. You have to use a sabotage clone more wisely now, or you can lose it.
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Re: Version 1.30 Released

Postby geoo » Thu May 12, 2011 4:06 pm

I never voiced my vote on this issue, but I was in slight support of this (assuming it only shatters a single spinner nearby, not all spinners) for making having a single sabotage clone less overpowered, even thought it's a somewhat counterintuitive behaviour. Thinking of the scenario of trying to get over a blocker by spinning over it (I remember it from Scorch), I'm not too sure anymore though. So null-vote from me, as before.
Sabotage and overpowered reminds me, we should use Super-mold more often.

And many thanks for implementing the Lemmings assignment scheme that quickly!
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Re: Version 1.30 Released

Postby rt » Thu May 12, 2011 4:41 pm

geoo wrote:I never voiced my vote on this issue, but I was in slight support of this (assuming it only shatters a single spinner nearby, not all spinners) for making having a single sabotage clone less overpowered, even thought it's a somewhat counterintuitive behaviour. Thinking of the scenario of trying to get over a blocker by spinning over it (I remember it from Scorch), I'm not too sure anymore though. So null-vote from me, as before.
Sabotage and overpowered reminds me, we should use Super-mold more often.

Yeah, if it is too drastic of a gameplay/strategy change then it will become it's own option. Super-mold turned out good, it is barely noticeable most of the time.
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Re: Version 1.30 Released

Postby CCX » Fri May 13, 2011 1:55 am

rt wrote:- Game fonts now sharper at higher resolutions

Well, that was quite noticeable I have to say. The new fonts certainly do look higher-resolution, but I have to say the style of the new fonts just seem less fun than the old ones. :| Also, in some places the text looks "thinner" (in terms of the weight of the fontface) and therefore slightly less clear to my eyes (but still fairly readable).

newfont.png (83.58 KiB) Viewed 55148 times

I wouldn't have changed the font, but if this means the difference between no eyestrain now vs eyestrain before to someone, I guess it's alright.
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Re: Version 1.30 Released

Postby rt » Fri May 13, 2011 3:03 am

CCX wrote:I wouldn't have changed the font, but if this means the difference between no eyestrain now vs eyestrain before to someone, I guess it's alright.

We can thicken the font a bit globally perhaps. The main reason for the font change was to support a multilanguage character set.
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