Linux rumor

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Linux rumor

Postby Frenezulo » Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:14 pm

I heard there is a Linux version in development? Is this true?
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby tom » Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:18 am

A Linux version of Clones is not currently in development. However, I am a Linux user (Ubuntu) and a Linux port is something that will be considered after the release of the Windows version. Although I haven't tested it yet, Clones should be able to run under Wine. I'll update this thread after I check compatibility with Wine.
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby tom » Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:47 am

I've been doing some testing with wine under ubuntu linux and it looks promising. Check out the attached screenshot!
Clones running in Linux using Wine
ubuntu-clones.jpg (162.26 KiB) Viewed 60521 times
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby birty » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:45 pm

i couldn't get clones to start under wine, any tips? it crashes on startup (initiallly because vc 2005 runtimes werern't installed).
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby tom » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:54 pm

Ya, I haven't tested it under wine in a while. I'll run some test tonight and make the necessary fixes and post instruction on how to get it running properly. It was working successfully before, so I'm sure any fixes that are required should be pretty minor.
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby tom » Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:38 am

I just tested it using my Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS installation, and it mostly works at the moment. All I did is I installed wine (version 1.2) from the repositories and then installed Clones by right clicking on the installer exe and clicking on the option "Open with Wine Windows Program Loader". The installation went without problem, and I ran Clones by going to the cli and typing: wine ClonesGame.exe in the ClonesInstall\Bin directory.

I didn't experience any crashes, the videos ran a bit slow, and I did run into a problem with Clones not being able to communicate properly with the website. I did a quick tcp dump, and it shows that the request and response are happening, but somehow the game doesn't get the response. Will have to do some more debugging to get this working.
**EDIT: My bad...I entered in a wrong DRM key causing the above problem. After entering in the correct key, everything was working fine!

As for your setup, what distribution are you running, and what version of wine are you using? I definitely recommend wine 1.2 or higher for best results. Previous wine versions have problems with getting the full screen mode properly working.

Just a heads up, when it comes time to update Clones (in Linux) with a new patch, it will be required to manually update the files by extracting a zip file into the install directory. The last time I checked, wine had trouble with applying a windows patch, so the auto-update feature will fail in Linux. I'll post instructions on how to upgrade Clones in Linux when the time comes.
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby birty » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:36 pm

i'm using the steam version of clones on ubuntu 10.10 with wine 1.3.7. here is the terminal output:
Code: Select all
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {77f10cf0-3db5-4966-b520-b7c54fd35ed6} could be created for context 0x1
fixme:wbemprox:wbem_locator_ConnectServer 0x1e3ae0, L"ROOT\\CIMV2", (null), (null), (null), 0x00000080, (null), (nil), 0x418bfc8)
fixme:winhttp:WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser returning no proxy used
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32c58c,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x3864f30, 0x3ebb720, {3dada31d-19ef-4dc1-b345-037927193422}, 1, 0x3e93b24, (null), (null), 0x3ebb738,)
err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd (nil)
err:ole:RevokeDragDrop invalid hwnd 0x10128
fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_LoadKeyboardLayout L"00000409", 0000: stub!
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 72400
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561197972316687 [API loaded no]
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
err:d3d:check_fbo_compat >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_VALUE (0x501) from Framebuffer format check @ utils.c / 1083
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33f598,0x00000000), stub!
error : unterminated entity reference              y)
fixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x5d33620,0x5d33590): stub
fixme:quartz:DSoundRender_GetWritePos Delta too big -48/1, overwriting old data or even skipping
fixme:quartz:DSoundRender_GetWritePos Skipping 8640 bytes
fixme:quartz:DSoundRender_SendSampleData Sample dropped 8640 of 82432 bytes
wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000008 at address 0x688edfda (thread 0043), starting debugger...

the window starts and fills part of the screen but is black
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby tom » Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:42 pm

Thanks for the post. I'll install the latest version of wine and do some more testing.

**EDIT: I installed wine-1.3.6 in Ubuntu 10.04 and it seems to run (to some extent for me). I can verify that it isn't very stable at the moment, as it sometime crashes when it loads, and crashes when trying to join a multiplayer game. I was able to complete at least one of the singleplayer levels, however. If I have time, I'll do some more testing and see if there is anything I can do to make it more stable.
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby Frenezulo » Sun Jan 23, 2011 3:05 pm

Running retail version 1.24 in Wine, I am finding that the updates are not being applied. The game downloads the patch, then closes (wine desktop remaining open) for a while while the patch is being (presumably) unpacked, then the game starts back up and repeats the same process.

Locating and executing the ClonesUpdate.exe manually does not seem to work any better.

Anybody else experiencing this? Any solutions?
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Re: Linux rumor

Postby tom » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:46 am

Seems like Wine doesn't support windows style patch files very well. The solution is to copy the updated files from a properly patched windows copy of the game over to the linux install.

For your convenience, I created a zip file with the updated files. Simply unzip them to your root Clones folder and overwriting any existing files. The method will upgrade any version from 1.24 to 1.26 to the latest 1.27. Note, this will only work for the non-steam build of the full game (not the demo), and of course it need to be activated with the key (if it hasn't been activated already).
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