While video chatting to LittleBrother42 on skype a couple of months ago, he decided to show me what he was doing on Clones. Snoog was in view at the time and I attempted to draw her on a nearby post-it note:

Here are some random clones I drew more recently:

Emphasis on "random".

And earlier today I went over these in Flash. I used the same colour scheme as my avatar.

Guilty/seemingly innocent clone.


Puff clone.

This little guy's fashion sense has been approved by RoboBrain.
Oh, and here's a group picture of some of the CloneMasters. They're not all to scale, but at least it gave me a chance to draw Snoog a bit more accurately!

Full size version: http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/7413/cloneswallpaper.png