[Edit: The intro post doesn't apply any more to version 1.01 or later, see my 2nd response.]
Clones has great usability for the most part, but it falls a bit short of its high standards when it comes to scrolling. However, scrolling is what a player does most often, and it must be done super-fast in multiplayer. I'd like to discuss the current methods and possible improvements.
Right-click scrolling: This is the main way of scrolling IMO, as it's the fastest and easiest to trigger. It has the serious disadvantage that you can't access the whole level without re-grabbing the screen. Most levels are big enough that re-grabs are necessary. This is tedious.
I really wish for infinite mouse motion when scrolling with the right mouse button. It doesn't matter if the level scrolls with or against the mouse direction, and it doesn't matter if the mouse cursor stays fixed on the screen. All I ask for is the omission of the annoying re-grabbing.
If I could implement a single thing myself, it would be this optimization of the right-click scrolling. I did it in my own game by fixing the mouse cursor position while the right button is held, moving the map only, scrolling into the same direction as the mouse is moved into. The mouse will only move if the screen can't scroll any further. [Edit: See also Tom's reply for clarifcation; the mouse movement controls the screen position directly, not the scrolling velocity.] This is a common way of speed scrolling, the Settlers series and other games with big maps have this as well. But as said, any solution will be fine!
[Tab] scrolling: While you hold the [Tab] key, the game shows a minimap, and you can click inside to scroll. This moves the screen instantly, but the minimap doesn't appear instantly; instead it scrolls into view. So, this way of scrolling isn't as fast as it could be. It's great otherwise.
Screen edge scrolling: This is too slow to be useful. An option about its speed may come in handy. For me, it'll still be less precise and thus slower than unlimited right-click scrolling, even if I could set the speed. But I think geoo uses the edge scrolling in L++ more than the hold-right-button scrolling, so there's a target audience for such an option. ;-)
Clone movie strip: This is a very good addition to see the current workers, it doesn't take up much space and offers a good overview of the workers. I should really watch it more, especially if I have workers on different ends of the level. I believe that it's not enough to watch the whole spread-out crowd, however, so it's not a replacement to super-efficient main ways to scroll.
Summary: I really appreciate the great usability optimizations you've already built into the game, but please think about infinite right-click scrolling.
Also, what's everyone else's favorite method to scroll?

-- Simon