rt wrote:The game is not unplayable without a ClonesGame.com account, please elaborate. The account is just to keep track of your stats, allow you to upload packages, post in the forums, and receive a newsletter. The newsletter email has an "Unsubscribe" link at the bottom, we have not sent one out in a while. We'll check the link you posted, thanks.
Perhaps it's me being stupid then, but after launching the game in Steam, I am prompted for a login (or to register for an account), with the only option being "OK" once completing the fields, or "Quit" in the bottom left of the dialog.
Of course now that I have an account, it isn't prompting me for these details

and selecting a <New> profile gives a Cancel option rather than quit, but it was frustrating last week to be unable to register (due to the CAPTCHA simply not being present), and thus unable to play the game! Though like I said, perhaps I was missing something, but I didn't see any way to get past that dialog without entering valid details.