minor issue with forum login

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minor issue with forum login

Postby CCX » Fri May 27, 2011 4:04 pm

Surprised no one has raised this issue yet. Maybe because those who encountered the issue got too fed up from it to actually post anything? :lol: ;) (Actually it doesn't even bother me too much, but it really is quite lame when you do run into it.)

If you attempt to post to the forums w/o logging in, you are brought to a login page like this:

forumlogin.png (9.97 KiB) Viewed 31170 times

except after you enter your credentials, instead of bringing you straight to the page you started off on so you can start posting your new topic/message, you wound up on this other login page:

http://clonesgame.com/user/login [note: you don't see the right page if you're already logged in, but you know which page I'm talking about]

where you once again are asked for your credentials and have to enter it a second time. :dead:

Oh, and when you finally done that, it brings you to your user profile page, so you totally lose the original context of where you wanted to post, and have to navigate back to the forum again to do your actual posting. :dead:

Really silly when I outlined it out like that isn't it? ;)
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