Mention CloneMaster as part of the level statistics

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Mention CloneMaster as part of the level statistics

Postby Bees » Fri Aug 05, 2011 12:35 pm

I think the level gallery with its highscores and fun statistics is really what keeps the singleplayer experience going. However, it would be even better if the location/clonemaster of the level was mentioned in the level statistics as well. This would make it easier to 'look-up' a level where you want to improve your highscore, without going through all the clonemasters to find it.

A different solution would be to add an easier way to navigate to the level gallery in the game itself. E.g.: add a list of completed levels in the Stats of a player (or somewhere else), sorted alphabetically and making it able to quickly go to a specific map.
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Re: Mention CloneMaster as part of the level statistics

Postby tom » Sat Aug 06, 2011 12:54 am

Funny, as I had the same thought when looking at the level gallery yesterday. I think at one point we were going to display the CloneMasters for the official singleplayer levels, but I'm not sure why we didn't do this. I took a quick look at the database, and it was partially implemented. The field is there, except it isn't filled out.

Whenever you complete a level, it will unlock it in the editor. In the editor, you can then find the level easily using the search function, but you can't play it directly from that screen. Maybe we can add a button to play the level directly from that screen?
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Re: Mention CloneMaster as part of the level statistics

Postby rt » Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:20 am

Another way to view all your rankings is on your "My Profile" page, above the "Home" button on the home page.

I've updated the CloneMaster field for all official levels and included this in the level gallery filter so it's searchable, but i think it would be best to have a specific page for this (CloneMaster Gallery) which lists each CM, gives a brief description, and then lists all their levels. A simple way to find a particular level without knowing the title.
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Re: Mention CloneMaster as part of the level statistics

Postby Bees » Mon Aug 08, 2011 4:32 am

Wow thanks, for the fast implementation of exactly what I was missing!

In-game, exactly a list of levels such as the one used in the level-editor and in multiplayer would be awesome for singleplayer levels that you have finished so far, making it able to jump directly to the level you want to improve on.

The Clone-Master gallery would be a great addition to the website as well :)
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