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How do you add multiple groups in the level editor?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:43 pm
by dabram71
I was trying to a make multi-player level but I did not know how to add more than one group to control... Can someone help me?

Re: How do you add multiple groups in the level editor?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:39 am
by rt
dabram71 wrote:I was trying to a make multi-player level but I did not know how to add more than one group to control... Can someone help me?

To add a controllable group to a multiplayer map follow these steps:
1) Add a start trap (or pre-placed single clones) and set it's group.
2) Open the "Group Settings" screen (F5) and click on the group you want to add.
3) Check in the "Available" checkbox for the selected group.
4) Save the level, and play test to ensure the group is selectable in the multplayer pre-game menu.

Note: You must set the "Level Type" to "Multi-Player" on the "Level-Settings" (F2) screen first.

Re: How do you add multiple groups in the level editor?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:21 am
by dabram71
Thanks soooo much!

Re: How do you add multiple groups in the level editor?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:12 pm
by rt
No problem. After you've made a few custom multiplayer maps you can package them up and upload them to the website to share with everyone:
1) From main menu click "Extras"
2) Click "Package Creator"
3) Select the levels you want to add to the package (Step 1), then name and describe the package (Step 2), then create and upload the package (Step 3).

If you want to update the package in the future simple create the same package again (there is a drop-down on Step 1 where you can choose previously make packages), and upload again. The website will detect that it's an identical package and replace the old one.

Note: The level filenames in the package must be the same for the package update to work. This is the normal case. A new filename is only created if you click the "Generate" button in the level editor, which you should only do when creating a backup of a level.