To "okmot"

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To "okmot"

Postby Snurrad » Wed Feb 23, 2011 10:19 am

Hello there! First of all I have to apologize for my very, very late replies. Anyway the replay's are uploaded, enjoy!
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Re: To "okmot"

Postby rt » Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:53 pm

Very nice solutions :) Did you find multitasking on Dual-ing to be tricky?
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Re: To "okmot"

Postby Snurrad » Wed Feb 23, 2011 5:22 pm

At first it was tricky indeed (mainly because I didn't know what the f to do) but it gets easier with pratice!

Some of the maps require thinking that can only be accomplished with sheer luck (almost).

By that I mean the nearly-impossible maps with no guide to follow and very few morphs that require you to do "x" at the exact point and so on. I still think that some of the maps I completed at Octopal is a tad harder than some of the bonus levels after unlocking 10 pieces.

It's not necessarily a bad thing, playing Clones might even evolve your creativity!

Edit: Sadly, I probably never will complete the bonus levels hence I have little to no time for clones. I have a lot of other games to play. LoL, CS:S (derp), WC3, Rift and now Bulletstorm as well!
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