Backslash is bracket

Help installing Clones onto your gaming machine

Backslash is bracket

Postby rt » Wed Feb 16, 2011 12:53 pm

Currently backslash "\" is the default key to toggle full-screen mode. On some Windows Vista/7 laptops when you run Clones and press \ you might get ] instead. This can be fixed up updating your windows keyboard driver.

Click Start->Control Panel->Keyboard. Select the "Hardward" tab and in the list of devices if you see one that has "109" in the name then select it and click "Properties". Then click "Change Settings" at the bottom of the new window. Select the "Driver" tab, click "Update Driver". Click "Browse my computer for driver software", click "Let me pick from a list of devices on my computer", select "HID compliant device" and click "Next". Complete this process and close all the windows back to the Control Panel. Now when you view the list of keyboard devices the "109" one should be replaced with the HID one. Start Clones and you will be able to use the backslash key, enjoy!

For more information see this thread:
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