Posting Rules & Guidelines

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Posting Rules & Guidelines

Postby tom » Tue May 13, 2008 12:39 am

The following Rules & Guidelines for making Forum Posts will help keep the Clones Game Community a Happy, Healthy, and Loyal Clones Players. When it comes to Posting Rules & Guidelines, we are not reinventing the wheel here, but are relying on proven rules used by other top forum sites on the web:

Post in the Right Forum
We’ve done our best to layout the forum categories so they are logical and make sense. When you are creating a new thread, do your best to get it in the right category. We want these forums to be value added, helpful, and fun! The General Clones Discussion and Help and Discussion are good places to post if you have a serious question but are not quite sure where to put it. These forums are less stringently moderated, while specific forums (Clones Game play for example) are more strictly moderated to maintain their quality and usefulness.

And of course, we also have the Off-Topic Discussion forum. This is the place on the site to have fun and talk about whatever. Friends, school, sports, other video games...whatever. Just remember to keep it clean, keep it productive and keep it legal! Laws apply on the internet too!

Avatars, User Names, Signatures, General Posting Guidelines
Member User Names and Avatars must be appropriate for a Public Forum of all ages. If the moderation team does not feel your Avatar or User Name is appropriate you will kindly be asked to change it (User Name will be changed to one of your choosing by Administration).

Signatures are allowed, and may contain one hyperlink, but should not be excessive in length nor contain any promotional text (enticing users to click). Traffic leaching will not be tolerated. A second signature link is acceptable, so long as it is pointing to a page within the site (favorite tutorial article, forum rules, etc.). Signatures should be small and tasteful and take up 1 - 4 lines max in the default font size (the last thing we want is to look at a forum thread and see 15 big signatures that take up all of the screen real estate). Moderators will determine what is acceptable or not.

During your posts, refrain from excessive use of colors, UPPER CASE LETTERS, and excessive use of smilies. It is fine to express yourself using each of these means, but do so in a reasonable manner. Use common sense.

No Advertising Policy maintains a No Advertising policy in the forums. Individuals/Businesses may not make posts promoting the sale of their own Products (Games, Software, Services, etc.) within the forums. Traffic Leaching is strictly prohibited. If you'd like to promote or advertise your Games, Software, Services etc. on please contact Tom Kaminski directly. Tom can be reached via email, tom at

Cross/Double Posting
Please post to the MOST relevant forum. Double or cross forum posting or other attempts at flooding the forum with a stream of posts will be removed. If you find that you have posted in the incorrect forum, please contact a moderator to have it moved to the correct location.

This refers to posting with the deliberate intention to either pad your post count or to keep a thread 'hot' so it appears at the top of the forum. Bumping can sometimes be useful, but you must wait three days from the original post to bump the thread. Only one bump is allowed per thread per user.'s moderator’s reserve the right to delete useless “bumps” at their discretion.

Make Meaningful Posts
While is geared as much towards sharing and connecting the Clones Game community as it is to helping solve problems and staying on top of news and rumors, all posts made within the site should be value added and on topic to the thread (even in the free for all). Hijacking a thread off-topic is a big No-No, and posts made for no reason other than to increase post count will be wiped from the site.

Use a Descriptive Title
This rule is simple; help us to help you. When you create your thread / post, think of it as if 'somone else' is reading it. With that in mind, make your subject lines related to the content of your post. Having a subject line of 'help' or 'now what', will not really help others later when they do a search for a particular issue. So, try to be a little more creative. Example: “Clones can't find any online games” or “How do I host a 16 player match”

Foul language
Please keep posts and links family appropriate. The administrator’s and moderator’s reserve the right to delete posts at their discretion if they are deemed inappropriate or offensive. Users will be giving a warning for the first violation; any subsequent violation could result in a ban from the forum.

Personal Attacks
Do not flame, insult, or post personal attacks against other users. Be courteous, not rude.

Reporting a bad post
Please send a PM to a moderator or click on the exclamation mark at the top right of the post.

Use the Site Search and Forum Search
If you have a basic question that needs answering, depending on the specifics, there’s a good chance the answer might already be posted in the forums and/or elsewhere on the site. Doing site searches before posting will help keep things efficient.

Multiple Identities
Only one username or account is allowed per Clones Game member. If you have forgotten your log in information, do not create a new account, please contact us. Users found with multiple accounts will be banned.

Keep it Legal
No posting of Warez in the forums, such as links to download warez, instructions on "cracking" software, or "workarounds" that enable people to utilize for-pay services without paying. Posting this kind of content can result in an immediate and permanent ban. These kinds of activities can get in trouble, and nobody wants that, so just don't do it.

A message to spammers - we have NO TOLERANCE for SPAM. Post a spam message and your account and all associated posts will immediately be deleted. No second chances. You won't get away with Spamming, so don't bother wasting your time. No link abuse, traffic leaching, advertising, ADULT content or nudity will be tolerated!

Moderation Team's owners trust that any action that a moderator does will follow the above guidelines, please respect them, they are volunteering their time to keep this site fun for all to use. If you feel that you are being treated unfairly, or have a question about an action, you may contact them via PM, or send a PM to one of the Admin’s. Please see this link for a list of Admin’s and Moderator’s.

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Joined: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:46 pm

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