First, from the main menu click "Extras" -> "Level Editor". Now click "New" at the bottom of the screen, this will load up the default new level.
Let's break this down into 3 steps:
1. Edit Level Settings
- Click on the "gears" button (or press F2) to open the level settings window.
- Type in a level title. e.g. "My First Level"
- If you want to make this a multiplayer level then select multiplayer from the "Level Type" list. For this example we will leave it as singleplayer.
- Set the game mode. For this example we will leave it as CorralTheClone.
- Save the level by clicking the Save button (3.5" disk)
2. Edit Group Settings
- Click the button with many clones on it (or press F5) to open the group settings window.
- Set the default player group. (i.e. the group the player will control when playing the level)
- Highlight the default group and configure the number of morphs you want the player to have.
- Save the level by clicking the Save button (3.5" disk)
3. Tweak, playtest, repeat
- There are 3 types of objects in the editor: terrain, traps, and clones. Terrain is land that the clones will walk on. Traps are interactive objects or logic that makes the level dynamic. Clones are, well, clones.
- Left click to select an object, and right click to view its properties.
- Add new terrain by clicking the Tree button (or press F3).
- Add new traps by clicking the red Start trap button (or press F4).
- Modify the position of objects until you are happy with the layout. Press CTRL-C to copy-paste an object. Right-click and drag to select multiple objects.
- Save the level by clicking the Save button (3.5" disk)
- Click the Play button (or press F8) to playtest the level. Select Menu->Exit to return to the editor.
This concludes the introduction and sample level tutorial for the Clones level editor. Enjoy!