Hi there. Ive recently downloaded and played the Clones demo on my laptop. It played without any noticeable problems what so ever. I then bought and installed Clones, which steam automatically removes the demo and replaces it with the paid version.
When i sat the game, it loads up fine but when i try to play it...
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/57784 ... 76B16C6C8/
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/57784 ... 6B9766E4C/
Graphical glitches in the clones animations, as well as in the tool bar for their abilities.
Also, I've tried to verify the steam files, one fails every time and redownloads it, but it fails again. Each time it downloads it fails.
I've tried to delete local content, delete my appdata/roaming/clones director and the one under my documents ad then install again. I get the same problem.
I don't believe it to be a hardware issue. Laptop - http://ca.msi.com/product/nb/GT70-0NC-051US.html