The Gravity of this Situation

General gameplay issues and ideas

Re: The Gravity of this Situation

Postby CCX » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:50 pm

kirkbross wrote:I want to move on and I'm anal about skipping! :)

Now that I've seen the intended solution, I'll definitely recommend not holding back on skipping the levels that are off the required path. For example, I think you may have a slightly easier time with the level if you had moved on and played through to "Moonwalker", which is on the required path (right after the "Hypercube" mid-point boss level), as there's something somewhat similar towards the end on that level as well, but there they actually give you an "H" hint on the move. Being able to apply things you learn later to earlier levels you may have skipped can be very helpful with the purposely harder levels that are off the required path.

In other cases, non-required levels may feature things that are difficult in ways some people may not care about (*cough* Project Orion *cough* :P), so if you force yourself to hold back on such levels it can greatly diminish enjoyment.
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Re: The Gravity of this Situation

Postby CCX » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:57 pm

rt wrote:I've love to see some other higher ranked solutions, but i understand if it's top secret 8-)

I've attached mine, which managed to remain top ranked so far (of course now it's guaranteed to drop soon, since more recent solutions that otherwise tied the existing record will still be ranked higher, to say nothing of levels being updated). It's not too different from rt's intended solution, with basically identical start and end, but some differences in the middle that happens to allow for less sacrifice of clones.
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Re: The Gravity of this Situation

Postby geoo » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:02 am

My solution is basically the same as CCX', just that I didn't optimize for time:
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