The future of Quantum Loop

General gameplay issues and ideas

Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby CCX » Tue May 10, 2011 6:14 pm

rt wrote:I was unable to get the decoherence message, either it's fixed in 1.30 or there is something specific that has to be done. Can you provide detailed steps, or attach the checkpoint so i can load it?

I'll email you some files tonight, but first, did you try it on the earlier or later version of LittleBrother42's level? (If you check the comments, he uploaded an updated package a day or two ago and modified that level slightly.) I don't think it matters (I'm pretty sure I remember seeing decoherence messages even in the first version of the level) but just in case.
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Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby rt » Tue May 10, 2011 6:46 pm

I downloaded the pack soon after it was uploaded, so it's probably the earlier version i was testing on.
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Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby CCX » Tue May 10, 2011 8:05 pm

I've emailed you some files you can test with, but first make sure you re-download the package to pick up the right version of the level.

Since QL levels involve multiple files, here's a slightly more detailed repro in case the files don't work out:

1) click "clear" button to erase anything you've done before on that level
2) play red
3) assign clob at the logical place
4) once started clobbing, click restart
5) select purple to play [yes, I'm aware it likely doesn't lead to an actual solution, but it illustrates the issue more dramatically if I don't play yellow at all]
6) queue a doppel on the first clone out, so he doppels immediately upon landing, wait for morph to take effect
7) save a user checkpoint
8) load the user checkpoint you just saved. Alternatively, restart, pick purple again to replay, and then load the checkpoint.

result: soon after checkpoint is loaded, I get a quantum decoherence message about yellow, except that group was never touched!

If you don't have the issue first time around, I guess retry steps 1-8 one more time and see. It shouldn't be too hard to repro. Basically it got so bad for me that I gave up on using checkpoints for anything besides the first group I played. If it still doesn't repro for you then hopefully it's fixed in v1.30; I guess we'll see.

One other minor detail: I really doubt it matters, but the first time I downloaded the package, I did briefly tried the level in editor playtesting first before I play it for real in pilgrimage. I never played the level in editor playtesting again for the 2nd download of the package with the updated version of the level.
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Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby CCX » Wed May 11, 2011 7:46 am

rt wrote:But then the dependence auto-clear was added so perhaps now it would be not as bad since you'd only have to clear one group and every group dependent would be auto-cleared for you. If that's the case then only a "clear selected" button is needed. Right? I don't want to have 3 buttons on that voice bubble.

I was thinking of 3 buttons actually, but yes, having just a "clear selected" would suffice, since you can clear all by clearing the 1st-played group. Maybe you can have a secret shortcut with the "clear" button so that if you right-click on it, it will do a traditional "clear all", saving one click. :tight:

The minor disadvantage is that it'll take new players some time to understand why the "clear selected" button will be clearing different number of groups, but that's not any more of a curve to learn than the fact that playing previously played groups will clear the dependent groups.

On that note, perhaps we can do more on the bubble to make it clear to newcomers the exact effects of clearing/replaying a selected group. Right now, played groups are marked with a green flag. I'm thinking that maybe we can display a number (1, 2, 3, ...) on the flag indicating the current ordering of the played groups. Also, whenever the player selects a played group, we will overlay some sign (maybe a red "X") over the flags of any groups that are dependent on the selected group, which will make it obvious that if the player were to replay or clear the selected group, which groups will be auto-erased.

There is really no new information in this scheme compared with the current indications of dependent groups underneath each selectable group (which is still worth keeping), but I think the numbered way of displaying the dependency might be easier to understand. It also makes it easier to figure out which group to select to clear when you don't want a clear all. For example, if I want to keep the first played group while clearing the other ones, I'll simply select the group marked #2 and clear that. Without the numbers, I'll instead have to scan through the little dependent-group indicators and find which group has the most dependents etc., to work out which group is 1st-played and 2nd-played.
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Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby rt » Wed May 11, 2011 12:53 pm

CCX wrote:I've emailed you some files you can test with, but first make sure you re-download the package to pick up the right version of the level.

Thanks for the extra information. I tried it multiple times following the steps you provided but was unable to get the message. I hope that means it's somehow fixed in 1.30 :) Once it's out please retry your sequence and let me know if the problem remains.
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Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby rt » Wed May 11, 2011 2:31 pm

CCX wrote:Maybe you can have a secret shortcut with the "clear" button so that if you right-click on it, it will do a traditional "clear all", saving one click. :tight:

I've made the right-click event for the Clear button to clear only the selected group (and dependent groups). The default left-click behaviour of the button will clear all.

I'm thinking that maybe we can display a number (1, 2, 3, ...) on the flag indicating the current ordering of the played groups.

Good idea, this is now in 1.30.
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Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby CCX » Fri May 13, 2011 1:29 am

rt wrote:I hope that means it's somehow fixed in 1.30 :)

Yep, looks like you did it, it's fixed in 1.30. 8-)
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Re: The future of Quantum Loop

Postby rt » Fri May 13, 2011 2:55 am

CCX wrote:
rt wrote:I hope that means it's somehow fixed in 1.30 :)

Yep, looks like you did it, it's fixed in 1.30. 8-)

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