Super dark clone glitch.

General gameplay issues and ideas

Super dark clone glitch.

Postby 92Dexter11 » Thu May 05, 2011 12:04 pm

Here is a glitch i discovered: Go on the level editor and load a capture the clone level with a dark clone as the capturable clone. Go on test mode. On test mode, you can play as any team. Be the dark clone.

If you lop when you a dark clone, a bunch of the heads will fly out at once. When you clob, the clob 'path' will disappear. Same with drill and gulp.

What is wrong with the clone?
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Re: Super dark clone glitch.

Postby rt » Thu May 05, 2011 3:30 pm

Nice bug find! The problem is that on Capture The Clone maps normally you cannot control the Star Clones and those Star Clones are being accelerated into the future to determine if they will be beamed up for the scoreboard. If you issue morphs to a Star Clone funny things might happen.
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