How can i update my CLONES 124 to 125?

General gameplay issues and ideas

How can i update my CLONES 124 to 125?

Postby minhokaz » Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:53 am

I bought CLONES a long time ago,(in a galaxy very very faraway [LOL])and my problem is: i cant play in online servers where the version is 125 :X
Can any1 post one link to patch it?
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Re: How can i update my CLONES 124 to 125?

Postby tom » Wed Dec 08, 2010 12:28 pm

Yes, it is recommended to always play with the latest version of Clones as we release frequent updates that add extra options, revised levels, and bug fixes. For multiplayer to work, the version must be the same as the server.

If you are running the Steam version, the updates should automatically be applied unless they are turned off. To turn updates on, in your games library, right click on "Clones" and click "Properties". Click the "Updates" tab and make sure Automatic Updates is set to "Always keep this game up to date". Close and restart Steam.

If you are running the non-Steam version (ie. installed using the Windows Installer provided by the online distributor), when the game starts and there is a new version available it should prompt you, and automatically install if you accept the update. If for some reason this doesn't work, then you can download and install the patch listed at the bottom of the downloads page.

I hope this helps!
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Re: How can i update my CLONES 124 to 125?

Postby minimac » Thu Dec 16, 2010 3:53 am

I've just wondered, as the version is now updated to 126, would all the demo servers be automatically updated as well?
I use function keys for each morph. It is much easier for me doing it this way.
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Re: How can i update my CLONES 124 to 125?

Postby clones » Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:11 am

When we release a new update, it gets released on all versions of the game: the full version and the demo (for both Steam and non-Steam versions). If you see older versions of Clone servers, this means they are ignoring the update, the update is failing for them, or their installation is corrupt. It's unfortunate that this is happening because they can't play people who have updated to the latest version, and their user experience is diminished. In the case where the patch fails to install, it's recommended to just re-install the game.
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