Design issues v1.26

General gameplay issues and ideas

Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby rt » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:41 pm

geoo wrote:#8. When having a light clone in a level with a cannon, you can activate the cannon with the light clone without the clone being trapped within the cannon, i.e. you can move freely around the level, but also use the cannon while the light clone is selected. This can be seen in 'Wild Goose' (or the earlier mentioned parody sequel of mine).

Fixed in 1.27
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby rt » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:42 pm

Simon wrote:"Silent Steal" .......Yeah, have to test this. I hope it doesn't generate messages that require the user to read them, and thus take eyes off the regular screen area. The splat alert is solved well because it also plays a unique sound, which can be perceived much faster than a written message.

There is a system chat message and a distinct warning sound effect. This can be toggled off for more hardcore matches :)
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby rt » Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:52 pm

geoo wrote:#11. The ingame stats menu lists a stamp and a decoration as reward for beating Wattson with all Qdots, however I only get the stamp, while for the decoration it still lists ????? in the lists.

Bug. Only one bonus item was being unlocked, and Wattson is the only level that awards 2 bonus items when beaten. This will be fixed in 1.27, and i've added a check to verify bonus items up startup so the first time you run 1.27 it will correct itself.

#13. In Checkmate (Octopal's level), the intro texts says save 47, while there's only 37 to be saved.

Fixed in 1.27
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby Simon » Wed Dec 29, 2010 7:07 pm

gj on fixing a bunch of bugs alraedy. :)

#17. Items in the stamps and decorations menus should be ordered by some senseful order, rather than by the order of achievement. IMO, this will benefit both players who use them much and those who use them very rarely.

-- Simon
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby CCX » Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:29 pm

geoo wrote:EDIT2: I just noticed that in the stats for Project Orion at least mine, Kirp's and CCX' scores (most likely all though) have got added about 2.5 seconds to the clock compared to the last time I checked. Is there any particular reason for that?

That reminds me, one of these days I should actually try that level for real (right now my score on that level is still the supernova thing minimac discovered :| ).

Yes, all scores were adjusted, more precisely, all pre-v1.26 scores across many levels. In v1.26 rt changed the game so that it doesn't depend on particles to determine when to end the level under certain modes, for example to eliminate making use of "no particles" setting to get faster times. Now the game simply waits about 2.5 seconds after there are no clones left (or something like that). He decided that in order to address existing scores that might have made use of "no particles" to gain an unfair advantage, all pre-v1.26 scores for singleplayer "corral the clone" and "quantum loop" levels have their times adjusted up accordingly. (also iirc "quantum quarrel" levels were also adjusted because the same delay was added to that mode to allow the player to see the last enemy clone's death particles fully dissipate)

Naturally this isn't perfect as some (many?) pre-v1.26 scores do not actually make use of "no particles", and some "corral the clone" levels do not actually make use of beaming pad to determine pass/fail (and therefore would not be affected by "no particles" time-wise). It was decided that this is acceptable, and anyone who cares can fix their scores themselves by replaying the levels, likely from a saved checkpoint near the end of the solution.
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby rt » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:02 am

geoo wrote:EDIT: Just wondering, is it intended that for most of the levels (not Wattson's though) I haven't solved yet I get the menu option 'Show Solution'?

We've included solutions to most puzzles in v1.26. This is to help people who get stuck. We are also planning a "Unlock All Puzzles" option in v1.27 so that a player can access any singleplayer level and solve in any order they wish. We want people to see as much content as possible to really get their money's worth.
Not sure if we should impose a penalty for this or not, i'm thinking probably not, as there is no advantage to solving the puzzles in random order.
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby rt » Thu Dec 30, 2010 12:06 am

CCX wrote:Naturally this isn't perfect as some (many?) pre-v1.26 scores do not actually make use of "no particles", and some "corral the clone" levels do not actually make use of beaming pad to determine pass/fail (and therefore would not be affected by "no particles" time-wise). It was decided that this is acceptable

Right, the important thing is that all current high scores should be achievable by any one who wants to make the effort to equal (or better) them. There is no advantage to playing with particles on or off in singleplayer.
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby rt » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:29 am

Simon wrote:#17. Items in the stamps and decorations menus should be ordered by some senseful order, rather than by the order of achievement. IMO, this will benefit both players who use them much and those who use them very rarely.

What order would you suggest?
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby anobium » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:44 am

Another issue:

#18. Turning off "Display backgrounds" doesn't just remove background decorations, it also removes some objects affecting gameplay.

Where I noticed it: Drilldude level "Make Haste". There's a tutorial message saying "When you see a switch like this try making a clone touch it. Chances are good things will happen." - but with backgrounds turned off, there is no switch.

This suggests the possibility of a player getting stuck on a level because of not being able to see what needs to be done. (I assume there won't always be a tutorial message pointing out where the switch isn't.)
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Re: Design issues v1.26

Postby rt » Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:33 am

anobium wrote:#18. Turning off "Display backgrounds" doesn't just remove background decorations, it also removes some objects affecting gameplay.

I've updated "Make Haste". Unfortunately we added the "Hide Background" option after all the levels were created and have been going back to force some backgrounds to show on levels where they are important. We'll get them all eventually, thanks for the report :)
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