You misunderstand. Since the key would be held down it is the click the issues the morph, just like in lemmings. The morph would be issued again upon key release, but it would have no effect. Try enabling this option and playing with it, it's very close to what you are asking for.
Ah sorry, when I first experimented with it I quickly came to dismiss it because it felt weird to have to perform a sequence of moves to trigger an assignment Lemmings style, and I didn't test again when I wrote this latest post and remembered incorrectly.
The other two differences still stand though. Experimenting again, I also notice that having to hold the morph key makes directional assign awkward: it's either a key mash, or using the mouse wheel which I don't like to use, just doesn't feel right.
I guess you just skimmed over my question there, I (rhetorically) asked for the disadvantages of allowing it as an option, not the disadvantages of the scheme itself.

Word games

The disadvantage of allowing it as an option is implied from the disadvantages of the scheme: it will make you less effective as a competitive player.
Err no, totally wrong, the maximum of two numbers is never smaller than any of the single numbers, that's why I wrote 'as an option' instead of proposing it to replace the default scheme. It'll never make it worse to add an additional option that players can choose to ignore if they prefer the default scheme.
And if you think I'll make
me a less effective player for using it, then I propose the contrary. Wait and see. (Not meaning I'm gonna beat you consistently then, far from it

Good idea. This would have to be the case to make the Light Clone playable under "Morph On Click" mode, although it will create some frustration when you want to click-morph a nearby normal clone because you will press the hotkey to select the morph you want which will unintentionally morph the Light Clone also, unless you deselect it first.
Good point there, willing to live with that (as I don't have a good solution for this either), I'm not too fond of light clones anyway.
Another issue is the Direction, Temporal, (and now) Transition Queues. Need to think about how they could be activated under the new mode. The TQ is very helpful, especially for lag players because it eliminated timing for some sequences.
Another good point there, I hope SHIFT for TQ is configurable.

The directional queue could trigger when directional select is used but only clones walking into the other direction are under the cursor. It's a bit limiting if you got a bunch of clones walking back and forth, but at least it's simple.
With temporal queue, you mean assigning while a clone is in the air, or something else? Because that could just be handled like normal, if you assign a morph in air, it'll be delayed until the Clone hits the ground.
If we get it done then you can mail me a Guinness

Would totally do that, but I'm not sure whether you'd want to open an envelope soaked in Guinness.

Perhaps we can think up something else.

Looking excellent already.