rt wrote:geoo wrote:It'll never make it worse to add an additional option that players can choose to ignore if they prefer the default scheme.
I didn't say it would make the
game worse, i said it would make the
player worse. The game was designed to select a clone first, then issue a morph. Playing it any other way will put the player at a disadvantage and reduce functionality in comparison to the default. Although maybe some of the benefits you mentioned will offset this a bit. I've lost matches to you in the past, and i've no doubt i will lose to you in the future but it will be interesting to see if these matches feel any different with you using the new (old?) scheme.
You're still not really trying to understand my post, are you? What I said is totally independent on which control scheme is superior (which we agree to disagree on), because it is simply a logical statement. Let me lay it out for you (please read carefully

Having the option (as opposed to
picking the option) will never make the player play worse, because any sane player will choose the option that works best with him. And for any player, the (subjective) better choice of the two will work no worse than any fixed one of the two.
In other words: max(A, B) >= A, where A is the clones selection scheme, B the lemmings selection scheme (or to be more exact the quality of play for a player if he chooses that control scheme). You're not gonna deny that mathematical truth, are you?

That's why my first question ("what's the disadvantage of
allowing it as an option?") was rhetorical (and not at all related to which is the actual better option which you understood it to be), because
having this option (as opposed to
picking that option) can never be detrimental to the game or the player.
I don't understand, if you have LEFT select on and you click on to a bunch of right facing clones then wouldn't you expect no clone to be selected/morphed? It sounds like you are suggesting that the click should left-queue the morph to the right facing clones?
In testing the scheme the directional select works great, but directional morph cannot be used. Although the new Transition Queue can replace it because a direction change counts as a transition, so this might be a non-issue.
Ah, then if the transition queue can handle situations like this anyway, then I guess the directional queue can be ignored for this mode.
I've never used the temporal queue, so I reckon at least I won't miss it.
On that matter, I was wondering, is it possible to assign the same key to different functionality in SP and MP? For instance, I need Freeze Time in SP, but that key is unoccupied in MP because Freeze Time is unused there, so would it be possible to assign it a different functionality (e.g. transition queue) to it in MP, without resetting it each time I switch between SP and MP? Would be kinda handy, otherwise I'll have to find some other key for the TP.