Clones turn very transparent after using another program

General gameplay issues and ideas

Clones turn very transparent after using another program

Postby Biff_CCP » Thu May 25, 2017 2:37 pm

Hello. Great game. A worthy tribute to classic Lemmings. Good work, folks.

When I alt-tab or use the in-game button to view the rank lists, all my clones have turned almost invisible when I come back to the game. Any ideas for a fix?

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Re: Clones turn very transparent after using another program

Postby clones » Sun May 28, 2017 1:25 am

Hi! Glad you are enjoying the game. What OS and graphics card do you have?
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Re: Clones turn very transparent after using another program

Postby Biff_CCP » Mon May 29, 2017 9:50 am

Windows 7 sp1 and nvidia geforce gtx 950.

More info...This only happens when I'm playing a level or the results of a level are displayed. And the issue continues into other levels if I continue playing. Only restarting the game fixes it.

Also, this issue is becoming less of an issue for me now. I've kinda learned to work around it most of the time. Checkpoints really help!
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Re: Clones turn very transparent after using another program

Postby rt » Mon May 29, 2017 11:07 am

The left ALT button is set to hide your own Clones in the keyboard mappings. Depending on how you press and release it could end up that Clones thinks the ALT key is down. You might have to press it a few times and toggle back and forth to put it back into the right state. You can also remap the hiding of your clones to another key other than left ALT.
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Re: Clones turn very transparent after using another program

Postby Biff_CCP » Mon May 29, 2017 5:16 pm

rt wrote:The left ALT button is set to hide your own Clones in the keyboard mappings.

Bingo! That did it. Thanks!
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