World Record Videos..Inspire other Users

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World Record Videos..Inspire other Users

Postby Pandaroc » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:09 pm

Yeah the Title says it, i wanted to Inspire more users to chase records, because what i think is the funniest thing is to reach new records together. I don't see it as a real competition against each other. We alle share the same goal...get the best time possible for a level.

So i thought i'll give the video capturing a chance and make a little Tutorial/World Record Video and customize my youtube channel for that :D. Perhaps other people feel inspired by this and make more videos of that type for cerrtain Levels. If you post it here i'll try and keep track of it.

World Records / Tutorials:

Just Drill it - Just Drill it Youtube Video
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Re: World Record Videos..Inspire other Users

Postby NovaClaft » Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:18 pm


Personally, I don't like to be that precise in my actions. I'm lazy like Roast Ed :P
However, maybe this will indeed inspire other people to go for the top, and I think that's a great idea. Just let me do things lazily :P

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Re: World Record Videos..Inspire other Users

Postby Kirp » Sun Feb 13, 2011 2:23 am

Gorafosaurus: Melting
Qdots: 8, Clones: 11, Lost: 0, Morphs: 13, Time: 03:38.75

The time can still be lowered by about 20 seconds.

Attached is the playback file for my record on Melting. You need to download the .zip file Attached in this reply. One thing you may most likely can't notice, is that at 00:59:800 I tap "Gulp" then "Gulp Up" to jump the corner. If you don't jump this corner you can't rescue the Frozen Clone above on the same gulp morph. It takes a few tries to do most of this stuff, but if are interested in earning records, then you might just learn something.

Step One:

Download attached file "Clones Melting"

Step Two:

Open the zip file and choose one of the following two files.

Choose " s_dm_melting_000.clones " if you want the replay to replace the very top (first) replay in your Melting history.

Choose " s_dm_melting_999.clones " if you want the replay the replay to be the very bottom (last) replay in your Melting history until the end of time. Your most recent replays will then appear just above this replay when viewing your Melting history.

Step Three:

Extract, Copy, or Move the chosen above file out of the zip into the Clones Playback folder.

For me this folder was located in the vista username folder on my desktop.
<windows username>/Document/Clones/Profiles/<clones username>/Playbacks

Step Four:

While playing the clones game, go to Gorafosaurus levels. Click on the Melting level (which is the 2nd level). DO NOT CLICK PLAY. Click on the history tab. Open either the first or last replay, it will be displayed as "2011-02-13 06:23:52"

Good Luck!
Clones Melting
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