1. Play the Level without looking at the stats your first Time. Know the Level, take a deep look at every corner.
2. Take a look at the Rankings and how many morphs there are to be used to get a record.
3. After you played the Level once and took a look at the records try to devide the Level into different Parts. Evaluate the parts for the fastest way. Did you pick the right part? What can you do to get the optimum in this part? Do all parts together use equal or less morphs as the leader? If yes you are good, if no you just overlooked something
4. If you think you are perfect in one part of a level make the next part perfect.
5. If you are allready addicted get a lot of Coffee and have some break from time to time. Seriously...make a break. Sometimes you overextend your efforts and don't see the tree in the woods
General Tips:
- Machines sometimes can help you to ...accelerate your Clones
- Use the Quantum Timer, without it its really hard sometimes (This means plan your moves ahead)
- Sometimes you move forward if your going one step back . Philosophy is nice *g*.
(I mean sometimes it can be faster to use the second or third clone to do a specific action, because the behaviour of the followers might change into your favour)
- Always check alternative routes or of you can spare an action (i.e. cutting through two walls with one action, perhaps because of layer of the bottom where you began)
Special Tips:
- Placing a doppel on a bridge lets stay one clone on the bridge while the other is falling down. (Try the right position, its a little bit tricky. Sometimes the doppel will fall)
- You can lop a clone through small walls and isolate him from others. You can also lop through thicker walls instead of going nova in some levels
- If you can't time a button press as you want try to hover over the belt-icon while holding your mouse button. The command will be issued when you release the button. This way you can perhaps react faster to some situations as you just have to release your finger.