Wishlist for 1.32

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Wishlist for 1.32

Postby rt » Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:51 pm

We are planning to release version 1.32 next month, it will contain a few minor bugfixes and we are considering going completely DRM-free as well. If you'd like to suggest a feature or report a bug please do so in this thread and we'll try to get it in the next patch! :)
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Re: Wishlist for 1.32

Postby Haymanizer » Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:53 pm

Instead of having the KEYBIND object respond only to certain letters, make it respond to clones' actions as well. For example, if I want the object to trigger when a clone molds, I currently have to bind it to the R key on my pc. But if someone binds their mold button to, say M, it wouldn't work.
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Re: Wishlist for 1.32

Postby rt » Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:54 pm

Haymanizer wrote:Instead of having the KEYBIND object respond only to certain letters, make it respond to clones' actions as well. For example, if I want the object to trigger when a clone molds, I currently have to bind it to the R key on my pc. But if someone binds their mold button to, say M, it wouldn't work.

You can use a proximity trap set to only trigger when a clone Molds within the bounds of the trap to accomplish this. Normally the proxy will trigger as soon as any clone touches it, but there is a drop down in the properties window where you can set the morph the clone must have to trigger it.

Attached is an example level with a proxy that issues a chat message when a clone molds within it.
proxy mold only
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Re: Wishlist for 1.32

Postby Frenezulo » Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:59 am

I see that Version 1.32 is out now. Any chance y'all could post the .zip file on the forum so I can manually patch my game in Wine?
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