Educational Merits

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Educational Merits

Postby rt » Wed Jun 11, 2008 5:57 pm

One of the ideas we have been thinking about is how to alter the game play to allow very young gamers to enjoy CLONES. Using the keyboard and mouse are too difficult for gamers 4-6 (and touchscreens are out of most peoples budget!) so we've been testing a game mode which uses a Gamepad to control a single clone directly (much like a Mario-style platformer) using the buttons to give (limited) actions and the directional pad to move the clone around as well as jump. The goal of these levels would be something very simple such as `move the clone through the maze` or `follow the leader`. There can also be levels in which there is a problem displayed such as `2+3=?` and the player must move the clone to the correct answer which would be somewhere on the landscape while avoiding traps. It would be an interesting challenge to level editors to create maps that 4 year olds can enjoy.

This mode may not make it into the first commercial release, but i think it is a great way to introduce this style of game to younger audience and provide them with an exciting educational experience!
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Re: Educational Merits

Postby namida » Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:46 am

Using the keyboard and mouse too difficult for that age?

I solved all of the original Lemmings, bar the last two levels, at age 5. Using a mouse. :P
Don't underestimate the younger gamers, especially in this generation.
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