Clones at GDC 2011

Clones News, Press Releases, and Rumors

Clones at GDC 2011

Postby rt » Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:22 am

There will be some Cloneage taking place at GDC 2011 in San Fran. If you are going to be in attendance feel free to stop by at our expo booth, i'll post the exact location closer to the event.

Last year the craze seemed to be 3D gaming and of course the PS3 Move. There was also an interesting giant sphere which people could walk around in for a virtual reality experience.
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Postby rt » Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:11 pm

Clones will be on display at booth #1137 (New Media Manitoba) at the 2011 GDC. We plan to have a dual-laptop setup with live multiplayer matches. One laptop will be hooked up to a big screen monitor so that the passing crowds can spectate. We are sharing a booth and have been told there may or may not be a booth-babe present :)
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