question on clones AI options

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question on clones AI options

Postby CCX » Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:18 pm

The settings for cloning chambers (aka entrances) as well as individually placed clones allow you to give AI options to the clones, for example for use in singleplayer quantum quarrel levels (amongst numerous other possibilities).

I've figured out "spinbomb", "lopper" and "quarrel" based on seeing it used in actual levels, but the "drillbridge" AI so far has eluded me. I thought it might drill down on mold bridges but that didn't pan out during testing. So what does it do (if anything)?

(FYI on the other options, for reference:

spinbomb: whenever the clone is spinning, if it detects it is about to bump its head on something it'll start a countdown to nova. For one example see "Secret Garden". Note that the spinning part is not automatic. (in "Secret Garden" it is induced via a proximity trap linked to an action object)

lopper: basically it will try to throw lops at clones of different color whenever it is likely to hit one. See "last lopper" for one example.

quarrel: will clob whenever there are clones of different color in close proximity. I've also very rarely see it drill instead of clob, and in QQ levels I think it might nova if that's enough to take out a clone of different color. See "last lopper" for one example.)
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Re: question on clones AI options

Postby rt » Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:14 pm

Yes the "Drillbridge" was intended to do just that, but i believe it was disabled. I'll check it out and update if needed. Perhaps there should be a trap that can assign clone AI on the fly? Can you think of any other mini-AI which could be useful in building levels?
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Re: question on clones AI options

Postby CCX » Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:55 pm

rt wrote:Perhaps there should be a trap that can assign clone AI on the fly?

That might be useful, although for the most part I think the existing AI serves their purpose fine. I guess I'll know more when I start creating levels using AI clones.

rt wrote:Can you think of any other mini-AI which could be useful in building levels?

Well given that the default is mindless wandering, I think the sky's the limit when it comes to what kind of AI to give to Clones. Perhaps an interesting possibility is to explore some AI that's not aimed at destruction like all the existing ones. It could have some relatively simple reflexes that helps it stay alive, such as molding over gaps and puffing on steep falls. Or maybe an AI that can detect a trapped clone based on it changing its facing direction a number of times in nearly the same places, and respond in some semi-constructive fashion with clobbing, gulping and molding to try untrapping itself (with the first two morphs used mainly if it detects itself in a tight gap based on frequency of direction changes).

That said, having better destruction AI is not a bad direction to go either, since typically one would use AI clones as a way to create additional difficulties for the player to react to.
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Re: question on clones AI options

Postby rt » Mon May 02, 2011 1:31 pm

CCX wrote:Perhaps an interesting possibility is to explore some AI that's not aimed at destruction like all the existing ones. It could have some relatively simple reflexes that helps it stay alive, such as molding over gaps and puffing on steep falls.

Interesting idea. I've fixed the "DrillBridge" AI so that the clone will drill when it detects that it's walking on a mold bridge.

I would like to test out a "MoldHole" AI as you describe, so that a if a clone detects that it is about to fall off a cliff and splat then it will mold.
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Re: question on clones AI options

Postby rt » Thu May 05, 2011 9:27 pm

I've added the MoldHole AI and thrown in a PuffFall and SpinFall AI for good measure. It's interesting, if you combine DrillBridge+SpinFall you get a nasty AI sabotage clone that drills through your bridges then spins up so he can do it again.
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