"answer key" version attached (zipped since level file itself still too large, while smaller-sized .cpak's are not allowed as attachments). Unzip to extract package, then double-click package to kick off Clones Package installer.
The level filename is different so it won't overwrite the playing version from the package, and the title will be "The (editor) Clones Trivia Quiz Game!" to tell apart from the playing version.
As you can see, it has a much larger level area, to allow each screen to sit in a separate area. The "answer key" version is obviously much easier to edit and is really the "master" version of the level. The playing version is then created from the answer key version by merging all screens into 1, both to create the desired gameplay experience, as well as to serve the side purpose of obfuscating the answers in the editor.
There are also terrain and objects duplicated across all screens, that are never actually displayed in the game, to help with layout of things on each screen as well as the merging process, to help ensure some consistency from screen to screen (the questioner's voice bubbles should all point to the questioner without overlapping with him, for example).
The assembly idea is another possible approach. It would scale better to larger number of screens, but may inhibit playtesting somewhat [as you would only be able to test out individual screens until you put them all together, and then you're back to the answer key version].