Many multiplayer levels are symmetrical. Well, so is this one, but along a different axis. You'll see...
Black Hole:
A small level for four players. Get to your colour gravitise and get to the exit. Simple right? No.
The first of the contraption levels. The exits are on platforms which rotate around every now and then. Its a mixture of getting to your exit, and stopping others from getting to theirs.
A very small level with a simple layout. See those red glows to the sides? They activate the mush bomb in the centre. Which is perfect for getting rid of those pesky clones which are a bit too near the exit....
The entrances rotate around dispensing clones in every direction. Then they explode and the exits fly in like some mechanical supermen. Joy.
The sides of this level are wrapped so getting to the exit is simply a matter of choosing the quickest path. In theory, anyway. Oh, and look out for the stunning mush bombs, they're a bit of a pain as well...
Pillars of Hercules:
A procure the particle level. Get your colour particle to the appropriate receptacle, and enjoy the scenery.
Traverse the pipe and get to your exit, using and then avoiding the cannons on the way.
This level will requires a little creativity, namely building on the upside-down stairs your enemy has built. Onwards to Mars!
My biggest level (So far). It's a large maze of a puzzle, and winning will require you to be in several places at one. An easy one then!
Starship Poopers:
Get your clones to the exit while simultaneously sabotaging the other players. Works best in teams.
Storm the Castle:
This is a good one! It's a new variation on the quantum quarrel game mode. Either kill the enemy or nova the enemy king to score an instant victory! But be warned, the castles are heavily defended! This would probably be best with two teams of four, making it a clones battle campaign.
Through the miracle of fusion we bring you a revolution in tactics. The exits will swap between red and blue, according to the computer at the top. Guard the exit with your life and then get as many in as possible. Then guard the exit with your life and then get as many in as possible. Lather, rinse, repeat...
Similar to Swap, but your clones control the exits! When one of your clones hits the switch at the right, your exit will become accessible. Also, check out the skull at the bottom for a cheap laugh.
We all fall down:
Nope, no machines on this one! You'll just have to rely on your own wits and skills. Also, the clones fall to their doom at the start, so that's something to think about...
TL:DR New pack, use logic, have fun.