Morph Count Questions

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Morph Count Questions

Postby Kirp » Sun Nov 28, 2010 11:24 pm

*Edited to add in answers

1) Does loading a checkpoint add 1 to the morph count?
--Answer: ___ No__________From: CCX
2) Does hitting the walk button add 1 to the morph count?
--Answer: ___ Yes_________From: CCX
3) Does saving a checkpoint add to the morph count?
--Answer: ___ No__________From: CCX
4) Does pausing add to the morph count?
--Answer: ___ No__________From: CCX
5) Does any other stuff add to the morph count?
--Answer: ___ pending

To me it seems like 1 and 2 add to the count, but I am not certain. I would appreciate answers.

Thank you, Kirp.
Last edited by Kirp on Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:09 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Morph Count Questions

Postby CCX » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:41 am

Only the "walk button" (aka "cancel morph" command) counts as morphs. (You should think of that as basically just a morph--in fact in some later levels, you will no longer have infinite use of cancel-morph commands.)

Neither checkpoints nor pausing (nor anything else other than what you can access in the morph belt and shown as morph icons in the lower-right corner) count as morphs. I use both extensively so if they were counted, my "morph count" would easily go into the hundreds. :P
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Re: Morph Count Questions

Postby Kirp » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:19 am

Thank you CCX. I have come up with 4 more questions as well.

6) When using gulp, does changing the direction of gulp add to the morph count?

7) When using clob, does changing to gulp add to the morph count?

8) Does anything else unsuspecting not add to morph count?

9) Does supernova add zero, one, or the number clones blown up to the morph count?

I believe question 6 does not add to the morph count.
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Re: Morph Count Questions

Postby tom » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:08 pm

Kirp wrote:6) When using gulp, does changing the direction of gulp add to the morph count?

Changing direction of the Gulp morph is free - no additional morph used.

Kirp wrote:7) When using clob, does changing to gulp add to the morph count?

Clob to gulp (and vice versa) uses up one morph.

Kirp wrote:8) Does anything else unsuspecting not add to morph count?

This doesn't add to the morph count, but using the "Freeze Time" feature adds one second to your score for each use. "Freeze Time" is like pause, except you can queue up morphs to any clones.

Kirp wrote:9) Does supernova add zero, one, or the number clones blown up to the morph count?

This is a good question, and I had to actually try the game out to see what happens. So currently, supernova doesn't affect the morph count at all, but it does affect the number of clones lost. I'm not sure if we need to change this behavior or not. What do you think?
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Re: Morph Count Questions

Postby CCX » Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:15 pm

Funny I haven't even thought of the current SuperNova morph/loss counting as possibly a bug, but I guess it is a little inconsistent. That said, it may be best to leave it alone so as not to invalidate any existing records on levels where it may be an issue. I took a look at the 70+ so levels I have results on, and currently for the following levels I used SuperNova to end the level (list not necessarily complete but should be close):

[level (# of pass results; # of highest-rank results ignoring morph count and time)]

apex (34; 1)
clean room (19; 1)
doppel duty (100+; 6)
ice aging (39; 8)
quantum looper (100+; 3)
splat (8; 1)
stone cold clone (20; 1)
the gravity of this situation (2; 1)

So true, not very common, but not exactly rare. I guess I'm neutral towards any change in morph count and clone loss for SuperNova, but leaning a little towards no change.
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Re: Morph Count Questions

Postby Kirp » Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:18 am

tom wrote:
Kirp wrote:Kirp wrote:
9) Does supernova add zero, one, or the number clones blown up to the morph count?
This is a good question, and I had to actually try the game out to see what happens. So currently, supernova doesn't affect the morph count at all, but it does affect the number of clones lost. I'm not sure if we need to change this behavior or not. What do you think?

I think I have only played one level that requires supernova so far. If supernova were to add to morph counts, then I would just let extra clones walk off the cliff to die, because they were required to die so the level would finish. So it would seem silly and meaningless to change the morph count to me. If you want my opinion on changing clones lost from supernova to zero, then I think that should likely be left alone. Seems like it would just change the game and not really add to it.
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Re: Morph Count Questions

Postby rt » Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:24 pm

Thanks for the feedback. I'm also leaning towards not changing the SuperNova morph count behaviour, but we could alter the timing so that the level ends X updates after all clones are dead instead of waiting for the particles to fizzle out. This would level the playing field for those who have turned off particles.
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