Linux/Unix support?

General Clones Discussion

Linux/Unix support?

Postby James » Wed Dec 08, 2010 2:25 am

I thought it would be neat if this game had Linux/Unix support. It would be one of the now rare games that would be supported on that platform and it seems you guys have dabbled in it enough to make the port without too much stress...

I dunno, just a thought.
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Re: Linux/Unix support?

Postby rt » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:11 pm

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Re: Linux/Unix support?

Postby tom » Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:16 pm

I'm a big Linux fan and I have a dual boot setup with WinXp and Ubuntu on my workstation. I also have a lot of experience with Linux servers so obviously porting Clones to Linux (natively) has always been on my mind. Clones is running a custom engine, and we definitely have the know how to do the native port. The biggest change required in the code would be to replace the video player component with a more platform independent implementation (Clones uses DirectShow Ogg Theora demux) and updating the rendering to use opengl instead of directx.

Unfortunately, we are such a small team that we don't have the resources to do this at this time. I've taken the efforts to make sure Clones works under Wine (there was a previous post about this topic - and I've managed to get everything working after installing some additional components). I'll post detailed instructions for Wine shortly - I want to do some more testing to make sure I have the instructions right.
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