I have two questions here for everyone who's played the game, best if you've played singleplayer as well as multiplayer.
1. Which in-game functions do you use frequently?
2. What is a good hotkey layout that suits these habits?
The default layout puts all morphs on the left hand, WERT-ASDFG-CVB. [Tab] speed-scrolls, [Z] supernovas, [Space] is fast forward. [3] displays some statistics in multiplayer.
I like to have every function in the perimeter of a left hand that's resting on the home row ASDF. The default layout does a very fine job already, but there are useful game features out of the left hand's reach: Pause, which is default on [P], and force direction, which is on [ [ ] and [ ] ]. The default layout has some unused keys: [Q], [X], maybe even [1], [2], [4], [5] count.
I'm accustomed to give nearly every skill with force direction, it vastly improves both precision and speed in multiplayer. I use the feature more often than any single morph. Thus, I remapped force direction to [S] and [F], these keys lie on the home row just like arrow keys. I pause frequently during singleplayer, so I moved pause to the biggest button that exists, [Space]. That key is always directly under the thumb, no matter where the other fingers are.
Thus, after remapping everything, I had made the following changes:
[S] = force left
[F] = force right
[Q] = puff (formerly [F])
[B] = spin (formerly [S])
[X] = nova (formerly [B], I use it more often than spin, thus gave it the handier key. Think eXploder)
[Space] = pause
[4] = fast forward (formerly [space], think 4ward)
A small drawback is to have puff on [Q] instead of on the home row. You need quick access to this morph in multiplayer. Puff-atomize isn't as convenient with [Q]-[A] than it was with [F]-[A], but I can still pull it off reliably. Spin is also important on some maps to save attacked clones.
Clones allows to remap the hotkeys completely, the game is very user-friendly in this regard. I mentioned in the Clones Demo discussion that I remapped my keys a bit, and Tom thought this might warrant a new thread.
-- Simon