Demo Feedback

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Demo Feedback

Postby clones » Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:51 pm

Clones Demo - v 0.82 Beta - Feb 20, 2010


This version of the game is a pre-release version of the demo. We are currently looking for bug reports, gameplay issues and crash reports.

There are various ways that you can provide feedback on the game. The best way to provide feedback is if you post it in the forums. This way everyone can participate in the discussions. The recommend thread to post your feedback is here:


If you want to contact us directly, please email

If you finish the demo, and you want to continue beta testing for us, let us know and we can provide you with a beta of the full game.

Hosting a Multiplayer Server:

You must configure port forwarding on your router. Please visit: for detailed instructions.

Known Issues:
- Level editor teaser video is not finalized (currently only a placeholder)
- The stats pages on the website are not fully completed.
- Port forwarding is required to host a game
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby rt » Sun Feb 21, 2010 12:03 pm

The World Clones Server is also being tested with this demo beta. When you start a multiplayer server it will be registered with the WCS so that if other players goto the "Find Tournament" screen they can see your server and join it (as long as you have set up port forwarding). We will try to keep one of our multiplayer servers running a much as possible so that you will have at least one game to connect to.
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby rt » Sun Feb 21, 2010 1:20 pm

Top scores for the singleplayer levels can be seen on this page:

Multiplayer match history can be seen here: ... ch_history

We plan to beautify these pages before releasing the demo to the public.
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Ice Climb *Spoiler alert*

Postby DjinnGuru » Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:12 am

Hi all!
This Demo version is looking pretty cool guys! :D

In the level "Ice Climb" after I had reached the autosave, I had all but one of my clones
transported forward. When I went back later for the last clone (one facing left at the start
area), I wasn't able to bring him across the floating ice chunks as they had stopped
rotating. Not sure if this was intended, so I'll mention it.
EDIT: I meant the ice blocks up on poles. I guess maybe there is a possible jump there,
and I'm just not making it.

SECOND EDIT: Okay, I have made the jumps once or twice now, they are very tricky.
But, this level, as cool as it is, does seem to have some possible bugs:
1)Regarding setting user checkpoints, they sometimes don't remain. (Can you only use
a user checkpoint once?) This has require restarting the level on more than one
occasion as I'v been put back on the low level without a Spin Morph.
2)Also, I have seen several different qdots reappear after restarting at a checkpoint, both
user and auto. I can supply an image if you want with arrows to the qdots.
3)The blocks that move vertically sometimes stop and sometimes don't. Is there a trigger?
4)The top bridge of blocks that disappear when you jump on them- are they supposed to
get reset by the thawed clone? I was stumped on why there was no way across then
jumped my last clone to it's death only to be surprised by the bridge resetting.

One other thing that I'll mention because I thought it was a bug at first: The level is so big that
even zoomed right out you sometimes can't see your other clones to select them and
have to right click grab and drag to pan the camera over to them. But, if you have a
clone selected, right click drag won't work so it feels like you can't move your view
to the other clones. Left clicking the background removes focus from the current clone
then you can drag the view around.(Hopefully that explanation helps someone at some point.)
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Re: Ice Climb *Spoiler alert*

Postby rt » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:53 am

DjinnGuru wrote:In the level "Ice Climb" after I had reached the autosave, I had all but one of my clones
transported forward. When I went back later for the last clone (one facing left at the start
area), I wasn't able to bring him across the floating ice chunks as they had stopped
rotating. Not sure if this was intended, so I'll mention it.

Originally there was only one green clone supplied on this level, but the others were added so that if you make mistakes you do not need to restart the whole level. The moving ice is set to stop once you get past it as an optimization but there should be no need to go back for the other clones.

DjinnGuru wrote:1)Regarding setting user checkpoints, they sometimes don't remain. (Can you only use
a user checkpoint once?) This has require restarting the level on more than one
occasion as I'v been put back on the low level without a Spin Morph.

You can only have one user checkpoint per level. When you save a new one it overwrites the old one.

DjinnGuru wrote:2)Also, I have seen several different qdots reappear after restarting at a checkpoint, both
user and auto. I can supply an image if you want with arrows to the qdots.

This sounds like a bug. I'll test it out.

DjinnGuru wrote:3)The blocks that move vertically sometimes stop and sometimes don't. Is there a trigger?

They are set to stop when you spin up to the higher area.

DjinnGuru wrote:4)The top bridge of blocks that disappear when you jump on them- are they supposed to
get reset by the thawed clone? I was stumped on why there was no way across then
jumped my last clone to it's death only to be surprised by the bridge resetting.

Those blocks are set to reset if the light clone falls into the shock trap, so that you can try again with one of the backup clones. The thawed clone should not trigger the reset.
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Re: Ice Climb *Spoiler alert*

Postby DjinnGuru » Tue Feb 23, 2010 6:13 am

DjinnGuru wrote:In the level "Ice Climb" after I had reached the autosave, I had all but one of my clones
transported forward. When I went back later for the last clone (one facing left at the start
area), I wasn't able to bring him across the floating ice chunks as they had stopped
rotating. Not sure if this was intended, so I'll mention it.

Originally there was only one green clone supplied on this level, but the others were added so that if you make mistakes you do not need to restart the whole level. The moving ice is set to stop once you get past it as an optimization but there should be no need to go back for the other clones.

I couldn't understand this when I posted, but now that I've beaten the level I do. Also, those
stationary ice jumps are lots easier now than they were at first.

DjinnGuru wrote:1)Regarding setting user checkpoints, they sometimes don't remain. (Can you only use
a user checkpoint once?) This has require restarting the level on more than one
occasion as I'v been put back on the low level without a Spin Morph.

You can only have one user checkpoint per level. When you save a new one it overwrites the old one.

I understood intuitively about the checkpoint overwrite. But I've seen it at least three times now, where I hit user checkpoint and when the level loads my focus is set on one of my clones at the starting area,
and any gulp paths I had made above are gone.
I can't yet tell what triggers it but it seems to have something do with using the same user checkpoint repeatedly. Unfortunately I can't yet figure out how to consistently replicate it.

DjinnGuru wrote:2)Also, I have seen several different qdots reappear after restarting at a checkpoint, both
user and auto. I can supply an image if you want with arrows to the qdots.

This sounds like a bug. I'll test it out.

I've seen this many times now. It usually has to do with the qdot nearest the auto checkpoint that is in the middle of the rotating blocks, but also has happened with the one above it, and the two that are far right on the map, both the low one and the one that is halfway up the cliff.

DjinnGuru wrote:3)The blocks that move vertically sometimes stop and sometimes don't. Is there a trigger?

They are set to stop when you spin up to the higher area.

Okay, thanks.

DjinnGuru wrote:4)The top bridge of blocks that disappear when you jump on them- are they supposed to
get reset by the thawed clone? I was stumped on why there was no way across then
jumped my last clone to it's death only to be surprised by the bridge resetting.

Those blocks are set to reset if the light clone falls into the shock trap, so that you can try again with one of the backup clones. The thawed clone should not trigger the reset.

Okay thanks. Resetting that bridge was not intuitive at all.

One more strange thing happened just now. I played through the whole level and
I got all of the visible qdots, but I only got a stat of 33/34. I took screenshot(s),
unfortunately it takes two screens to show the whole level.
EDIT: I just went back in and counted then recounted and there are only 33 visible qdots.
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Re: Ice Climb *Spoiler alert*

Postby rt » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:26 am

DjinnGuru wrote:Also, those stationary ice jumps are lots easier now than they were at first.

Yes it seems that there is a learning curve as the player is getting used to the jumping distance, height, and timing of the light clone. After that it's much easier.

DjinnGuru wrote:I understood intuitively about the checkpoint overwrite. But I've seen it at least three times now, where I hit user checkpoint and when the level loads my focus is set on one of my clones at the starting area

I've seen this too. Definitely a bug.

EDIT: I just went back in and counted then recounted and there are only 33 visible qdots.

There is one Qdot behind the first enstien clone's voice bubble which is only visible after the light clone makes the first jump. I just counted and including that one there are 34. Please verify. There is also the lone one on the far right bottom which is not obvious.
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Re: Ice Climb *Spoiler alert*

Postby DjinnGuru » Tue Feb 23, 2010 12:37 pm

rt wrote:There is one Qdot behind the first enstien clone's voice bubble which is only visible after the light clone makes the first jump. I just counted and including that one there are 34. Please verify. There is also the lone one on the far right bottom which is not obvious.

My mistake. I had loaded the level and counted without moving. The 34th qdot was behind
the Einstein Clone's voice bubble. It's still mysterious though that I finished the level with
33/34 but none were visible anywhere when i dragged the viewport around. I do get the
one bottom right every time.
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Re: Ice Climb *Spoiler alert*

Postby rt » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:18 pm

DjinnGuru wrote:It's still mysterious though that I finished the level with
33/34 but none were visible anywhere when i dragged the viewport around. I do get the
one bottom right every time.

Each play-through is saved to the Clones\Profiles\<player name>\Playbacks folder. You can watch the playback from Main Menu -> Extras -> Clones Player. If you can find the playback file corresponding to your run with the possible qdot bug please email to us. It could be that the checkpoints somehow distorted the playback so it will not match what you actually did. Let me know.

Attached is my qdot run, see if it plays for you.
rt's run through Ice Climb level - unzip to your profile playbacks folder
(8.2 KiB) Downloaded 1549 times
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34th qdot

Postby DjinnGuru » Tue Feb 23, 2010 1:45 pm

My mistake again, rt. Sorry. :oops: I just realized I had been assuming the thawed clone
was grabbing that qdot for me. When I tested it just now I see that I have to
get that one myself.
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