Demo Feedback

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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby rt » Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:38 pm

Ophelius wrote:Sweet game you guys have here. I think the multi-player "lemmings" aspect is great..... I can't wait until this game reaches a larger population so there's always lots of players online. I'll probably end up buying this game one day.

Thanks! The game was created out of necessity so that we could play it at LAN parties :) It's evolved a lot though. We have some ideas for how we could augment the gameplay even more in the future, but that will have to wait for the sequel.

I didn't like the fact that I had to choose such a strong password for this forum

As far as i know the "strength indicator" is there only for reference. You do not need to make the password "strong" to be accepted. Did try submitting and get rejected?

I think the tutorial level should be split up into 2-3 different shorter levels instead of a really long one.

Yes other people have suggested this too. We are working on 2 smaller levels to replace Tutorial Tower.

What I think you guys should also change is the level 1 demo stage after that. I found it was too advanced for just starting out. I think the first real level should just be a regular level aimed at a novice, maybe one with more digging underground.

We tried to keep the number of levels small, but perhaps one more tutorial-ish level with all morphs and a simple puzzle should be included.
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby rt » Thu Apr 01, 2010 12:30 pm

beather64 wrote:3) There is a bug with the collisions on the ice level

Fixed, i think. The collision detection is per-pixel based and may act funny visually sometimes. It's something we'd like to improve in future versions.

4) You should make the flowers above the gate in multiplayer match the team color. Red flowers for red, Blue flowers for blue.

Done! Thanks for for pointing this out, i never even thought of it.

I also posted a small review on my website, keep it up!

Thanks for the awesome review! I'm glad that you found the game enjoyable. If anyone else is interested the review is here -

There is another review here - ... abile.html
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby clones » Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:52 pm

A patch has been released for the demo. Please see annoucement here
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Regarding previous crash report

Postby DjinnGuru » Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:55 pm

First, I apologize that it took so long for me to
arrange to play Clones on my relatives pc again.

I did get there tonight and although it took an
hour or so to induce a crash, I finally had one
right before I left. The .txt files are attached.
I wonder how much help they will be though
as this always happens while in the menus and
I don't see any errors listed in either file.

I will say this. I have installed Windows 7 on my
home pc now have not experienced any crashes
at home. (Same pc specs as I gave you in my
feedback.doc, but I am overclocking the cpu now
on my home machine)

Tonight, on the other pc I gave the specs of earlier in
this thread, I tried various ways to replicate my crashes
from three weeks ago, from playing then exiting levels to
spamming clicks on the CM menu buttons and it took an hour to
finally see that error window pop up. It's something like
"Clones.exe has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem.)

Being unable to replicate it on my home install of Windows 7
though, I'm starting to feel like it might be hardware or driver
related on the system I see crashes on.

Reading my earlier comments about this just now I realize
that it wasn't the top left "back" button, it was the top left "exit"
button that caused it one time. Tonight it was a bottom CM button again.

I managed to burn up all my time with no issues til the end then had to
quickly email myself the files before I left. If you want to know driver info
or dxdiag, I might be able to get it this weekend.

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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby tom » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:45 pm

Simon also reported repeated crashes on one of him machines as well and it was fixed by updating the video driver. Demo version 1.01 also fixed a crash that happened when exiting the game. If you are still experiencing crashes after updating the video driver, or when exiting the game, let me know.
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby DjinnGuru » Thu Apr 08, 2010 2:07 pm

Okay I will update to 1.01 on that pc next time
I am there. I didn't know if any changes had been
made that would have affected the issues on that pc
and wanted to finish my report by supplying those txts
while still using 1.00.

I just tried updating on my pc and got a clones error window
after clicking yes:
"Download error Error downloading upgrade"
My only option button is "ok" but it's only effect
is to make the text menu pop up behind it.
I've replicated it 4 times in a row.
I can't use quit at that point so am stuck there.
The only option to exit I've gotten to work is through
task manager, end task.
(this is happening in Windows 7)

I'm dual booting XP and I think I updated smoothly there,
but can't remember and will go check now and edit this after.

EDIT: correction, the reason I didn't remember
updating to 1.01 in XP was because I hadn't yet.

I hit "yes" and saw a loading bar, then the game reduced
and I saw a window that said loading movie viewer, and
a then a smaller window that said installer.
That hung for far too long so clicked into Clones from my task bar
and saw the update interface again. Clicked "yes" again
and got the same error window I had seen in Windows 7.

Went back to desktop, waited 2-3 minutes then closed it all
with task manager and started over. This time it updated
just fine, but my interface was laggy after, as was the
game when I went in. I closed it and went into task manager
again to see cpu at 100%. System was about 30% of that and
the rest was 6-8 instances of dumprep.exe

I rebooted and then things were back to normal and
Clones Demo played fine updated to 1.01.
(That all happened in XP)

The only strange thing then was being unable to connect
to the site in either OS to update on my situation.

Probably more info than you needed but i wanted you to
be able to analyze all that for what interested you,
and in case you hear similar from others.

Just to clarify, my Windows 7 is a clean install on a
new hard drive. I have my drivers updated in both XP
and 7.
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby Simon » Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:47 am

If I'll remember to do it, I will run extensive crash tests again on the planet screens. IIRC, it has crashed once since my the video driver update.

-- Simon
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby tom » Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:53 pm

A patch v1.02 for the demo has been released. Check out list of changes here. Post any feedback in this thread! Thanks!
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Re: Demo Feedback

Postby tom » Fri May 07, 2010 1:20 pm

A new patch (1.03) for the demo is available. You can view the details here. Please try it out and report any crashes or bugs!

We'll have a server running as often as possible so feel free to join in.
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Hosting a server

Postby Th1rt3en » Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:52 pm

I was having an issue hosting a server. After adding port forwarding on my router it still existed. After a bit I realized that Vista's firewall had blocked clones. After allowing the program access to the network it worked like a charm. Just thought you might want to update the Hosting/Routing instructions. Thanks.

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