About Ice Climb:
rt wrote:Once you somewhat master the light clone jumping how do you feel about the mechanics? It's not as smooth as we'd like yet, but it's difficult under the limitations of pixel precision. Was it playable enough? Was it fun?
The mechanics work and make sense, although they have the few quirks that geoo has already mentioned -- e.g. it feels weird if the clone sticks to the vertical wall of a cube. You can stick to both sides of the first big cube you encounter after the first jump.
The level is much more fun in today's demo version with unlimited lives. You aren't punished for expecting the clone to walk faster respective to the jump distance. Thus, you can experiment freely without having to save. The clone doesn't respawn after the auto-save point, as I see it. That's probably okay.
(Notes to Ice Climb in the old demo: When I got to the top with the first clone, I unfroze the white clone and let him grab the Qdot in the large gap on the right. I believe this is what any player will do when he unfreezes the white clone for his first time, do nothing and watch the white one walk. I then saved my own clone, but was confused about how to get a second one to the top.)
I've tried to let the white clone grab the Qdot in the abyss again (he didn't pick it up). I'm unsure what a new player's behavior would most likely be, or if they feel cheated by a tutorial level. If one tries to get the dot with the white clone, he must restart from the auto-save most likely.
About the game in general:
Today, the old version crashend twice when it started to display the planet and zoom towards it. This was once after clicking Pilgrimage and another time after exiting the first clonemaster's area. Sometimes it worked, however. The new version hasn't crashed during the game yet, just on exiting the application. (I use Win XP.)
After you supernova, you can still bring up the supernova security question. Supernovaing again doesn't do anything, then, of course. It is logical behavior by the game to bring up the menu, but it serves no purpose.
If one is inside a clonemaster's area, the exit button to go back to the planet is a bit small. I've searched for it quite a bit when I first wanted to exit an area.
The screen border scrolling is too slow for me, so I use the right mouse button to scroll. If I wish to scroll further than a single screen, which will happen frequently on large maps, I have to re-grab when the mouse reaches the screen edge. I thus move the mouse twice the distance (forth, then back again) than necessary if I didn't have to re-grab, and click/release buttons on the way. This feels rather unwieldy and slow to me. (I must add that I'm used to the right mouse button scrolling in L++. It's a very fast and accurate way to scroll where you'd like to. It scrolls into the direction you move the mouse to, not the opposite one; and keeps the cursor fixed on the screen while scrolling, thus there's no re-grab.)
I like the Freefall level. It is very satisfying to make progress on it, even while I haven't beaten it fully yet (1 green left to save). I will continue to play it after I'm done with the post.
Thoughts about a few morphs:
How does one manage do clob/gulp quickly into the proper direction if your clones are tightly packed? As far as I see, you can only click a clone, wait until he has walked up to the wall, and morph. Alternatively, re-click until you have someone that walks the correct way. But you must do this a certain distance before the spot you want to clob/bash, because you must check for the clone's direction every time. (The Lemmings way is to hold the directional selection key and click on the horde next to the wall; this guarantees an assignment to someone facing the correct way and there's no waiting time. Is there something similar to this in Clones?)
The clobber must be assigned rather close to a wall to clob through. I misclob sometimes, because I expect it to be a bit more lenient before stopping due to nothing to clob; or I fear to misclob too much and press [E] too late, causing the clone to turn around before clobbing.
The digger feels a bit fast, but this is probably because I'm used to Lemmings. If the diggers can be countered well with atomizers and spinners in multiplayer, that's fine... I just hope one doesn't have to sacrifice too many clones to counter a single digger, because the latter is a morph that doesn't use up the opponent's clone.
I like the nova skill, because you get a good blast radius and almost instant terrain destruction for your clone. I'm very fine with novas making blockers to walkers again. This makes hoarding your clones under the entrance a bad strategy, which is a desired effect. It rewards the player who can spread out his clones and still keep it under control. A knockback explosion would feel unnatural to the nova, because Clones has got a slow falling speed in general. Killing blockers might make the nova too strong. In L++, Knockback exploders (smaller crater, longer countdown) are already a frequently used skill, and even they don't kill others directly.
I haven't tried multiplayer yet, because I've liked to explore the mechanics first. I'm going to play some more singleplayer tomorrow, and if I've got time, I'll check for games online later that day. In case I miss you or someone else, no problem, I'll probably try again the next days.
-- Simon