
Tips to help advance your journey as a CloneMaster


Postby rt » Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:52 pm

We've added a new page to the webiste that displays total singleplayer ranks. http://clonesgame.com/clonestats/singleplayer/ranking

The data will be updated nightly so if you've grabbed 1st place on one of the levels please check the stats the next day to see your new rank.
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Re: Rankings

Postby Raszlo » Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:27 am

What is the meaning of the numbers in () next to the player names?
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Re: Rankings

Postby tom » Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:40 am

When viewing the top scores for a given level, the number beside the name represents the number of attempts for that player. The number of attempts is *not* used to calculate the rank, it's just there for informational purposes. It's kinda neat to see if a player who got the top score tried really hard (many attempts) or not. Once we get enough statistical infromation, we can even rank levels by difficulty based on number of attempts before the player passes the level.
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Re: Rankings

Postby Raszlo » Thu Aug 05, 2010 5:33 pm

Hmm then it looks like it's counting every reloaded checkpoint (wow I do it alot ;p).

Why aren't the names in the "World Leader for SingplePlayer Levels" sorted alphabetically?
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Re: Rankings

Postby clones » Thu Aug 05, 2010 8:37 pm

Raszlo wrote:Hmm then it looks like it's counting every reloaded checkpoint (wow I do it alot ;p).

Why aren't the names in the "World Leader for SingplePlayer Levels" sorted alphabetically?

Yes it counts every time you restart the level, including checkpoints. The "World Leader" level names are listed alphabetically... they, uh, always were, yah 8-)
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Re: Rankings

Postby Nemesis » Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:14 am

How does the "World Record" fall into the different categories? It seems like some categories has the goal set to "most" vs "least". Example: Morphing; is it better to have less morphs or more? I completed a level with less morphs than the world record (45 vs 51) and I didn't get the world record. Also, there seem to be instances where I used more morphs than the world record, and it didn't seem to pick up on it.

I'm wondering if it's a multi-part record (time/clones/morphs/lost/qdots) instead of a single statistic...anyone have any input?
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Re: Rankings

Postby rt » Sat Nov 20, 2010 2:06 pm

Nemesis wrote:How does the "World Record" fall into the different categories? It seems like some categories has the goal set to "most" vs "least". Example: Morphing; is it better to have less morphs or more? I completed a level with less morphs than the world record (45 vs 51) and I didn't get the world record. Also, there seem to be instances where I used more morphs than the world record, and it didn't seem to pick up on it.

I'm wondering if it's a multi-part record (time/clones/morphs/lost/qdots) instead of a single statistic...anyone have any input?

Yes each stat is sorted differently to determine the world rank. The stats are displayed in the end-of-match menu after you complete a puzzle. The stats are listed from most important at the top (Qdots) to least important at the bottom (Time, usually). This is also shown on the website ranking page for a level, but displayed left to right.

Here is the sort order:
Qdots - Higher is better
Clones - Higher is better
Lost - Lower is better (clones that were lost during the level, splat, shocked, drown, etc)
Morphs - Lower is better
Time - Lower is better

So to get #1 you need to get all qdots and save as many clone as you can while losing as little as you can with the least possible amount of morphs in the shortest time 8-)
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