Green border instead of black around CloneMaster

Tips to help advance your journey as a CloneMaster

Green border instead of black around CloneMaster

Postby Bees » Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:23 am

In the first screenshot on the homepage of the website, some of the clonemasters are surrounded by a green border, while others are surrounded with the regular black border. What does the green border mean / do?

I thought it would appear as soon as you have cleared all levels and found all Qdots, but that appears to be not the case. I do think however that such a thought might be a good idea to clarify that you have finished all clonemasters levels.

Just wondering :)
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Re: Green border instead of black around CloneMaster

Postby tom » Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:38 pm

The green border appears around the clonemasters when they are unlocked (and you haven't visited them yet). The border blinks so as to grab your attention.
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