Ok i just wanted to know if a "dev" or someone can confirm the Record on this Level. The new Leader Kirp got the Level with 2 Lost and 13 Morphs. 2 Lost is ok, that possible but in order to just get 13 morphs it means you can't touch the white ones with spin or something like that.
In generall it means you'll have to to get past the 2 doppels and make the beampad available with just one detonation and let the white ones walk the normal path.
Actually i can't think of a way with the blacks detonation radius to reach that goal. Perhaps someone else gives it a thinkover or can confirm that this was finished without bug usage (i hate it to accuse someone of that )
PS: Or is there a trick to get the shooting mechanism let the clones shoot further? Or some hidden secret exit? i think i blew up the whole Level in search for anything