by tom » Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:00 am
I'm not sure if you are referring to the Steam server browser, or the Clones Server browser? At this point, multiplayer games are *not* listed in the Steam server browser, and most likely Steam server browser support isn't going to be added. Seems like the Clones Server Browser is working for you, which is the preferred method of discovering and connecting to multiplayer games. The 'Instant Match' option current tries to connect to a server that is waiting for more players (or if no servers are waiting for players, then it connects to any server that can accept additional players). There is a bug in the current version where 'Instant Match' in the demo will try to connect to the full version of the game, but this may not work if the full version is running a level that the demo doesn't have. Over time as there are more multiplayer games being hosted, the 'Instant Match' will work more reliably. I also want the 'Instant Match' to try and find a server with players at your own skill level. This hasn't been implemented yet, but I think it will be useful.