Morph Counts

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Morph Counts

Postby rt » Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:16 pm

Do you guys think that we should add each groups current morph count to the "Scores" menu for multiplayer (or create a new menu to display this)?

Really the question is: Would multiplayer be more fun if you could see how many morphs your opponents has left? Or is it better to not know , as is the current scheme. Should spectators be able to see this information?
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Re: Morph Counts

Postby CCX » Fri Apr 29, 2011 6:35 pm

I guess it could be interesting, if only to highlight that certain morphs are near depletion to either help explain why a player loses (or maybe more spectacularly, why a player wins despite it).

What is more useful to me personally is if the recorded playbacks show morph information, because I feel that you are more likely to do more in-depth analysis (and therefore more likely to be interested in morph counts) when watching a playback session. Currently it only does that for singleplayer, and even then it is only able to show the morph for one group (and you have no control over which control), which is problematic for quantum-loop levels. For multiplayer it doesn't show morphs at all at top of the screen.

What I'd like is a UI that allows toggling on/off the morph display on top of the screen during playback of recorded replays, and have it available for multiplayer as well as singleplayer. The UI should also allow you to pick which group (color) to see morphs for, though it could be as simple as you clicking on a particular clone during playback of replay to do so.

And bonus if the recorded playbacks can show who was controlling a selected clone, for multiplayer sessions that have teams.
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Re: Morph Counts

Postby CCX » Fri Apr 29, 2011 7:49 pm

rt wrote:Really the question is: Would multiplayer be more fun if you could see how many morphs your opponents has left? Or is it better to not know , as is the current scheme. Should spectators be able to see this information?

This is quite a different question than merely showing it in the final score!

Perhaps you can make it an admin option whether you can see how many morphs your opponent has during the match. You could even consider making it something the admin can adjust per group. I do think spectators should be able to see this information, unless you are worry about some sort cheating where the spectator chat the information back to one of the players that are set not to know morph count of opponents.
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Re: Morph Counts

Postby rt » Mon May 02, 2011 1:35 pm

CCX wrote:What is more useful to me personally is if the recorded playbacks show morph information, because I feel that you are more likely to do more in-depth analysis (and therefore more likely to be interested in morph counts) when watching a playback session........And bonus if the recorded playbacks can show who was controlling a selected clone, for multiplayer sessions that have teams.

You read my mind :) If you check out the recent annotated multiplayer videos you'll see that the morph count for the groups is visible along the bottom. Also when overtime kicks in the countdown is displayed at the top right. Also in 1.30 player names now show up when you mouseover a selected clone during a playback.
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Re: Morph Counts

Postby rt » Tue May 03, 2011 11:56 am

CCX wrote:I guess it could be interesting, if only to highlight that certain morphs are near depletion to either help explain why a player loses (or maybe more spectacularly, why a player wins despite it)

Yes, i think it might allow players to make more informed decisions if they can see how many morphs the opponents has left. This was how it was for 2-player Lemmings on SNES so i think we'll test it out, but where could this information be displayed?
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Re: Morph Counts

Postby CCX » Tue May 03, 2011 4:12 pm

For just 2 groups (colors) it's easy to show the opponent's morph counts, you can just go with something like the playback UI, and display the opponent's morph counts near the top of the screen (your own morph counts still displayed at the bottom left just like it has always been).

It's going to be more complicated though with 3+ groups, I don't have a good idea yet.

On the opposite side of the topic, I'm also wondering what you think of having chat alerts for morphs (of your own team) that are running low, similar to the splat alerts.
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Re: Morph Counts

Postby rt » Tue May 03, 2011 4:29 pm

CCX wrote:On the opposite side of the topic, I'm also wondering what you think of having chat alerts for morphs (of your own team) that are running low, similar to the splat alerts.

At one point we had it so that a red number popped up by the clone when you had less than 10 morphs left and issued one of those morphs. This made it easy to notice, i can't recall why we removed that feature. Perhaps it should come back?
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