March 26th Multiplayer Jam

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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby CCX » Thu Mar 24, 2011 1:30 am

rt wrote:I've been playing some LBP2 lately and am thinking of how to create some minigame style levels in Clones.

Funny you mention this. I don't know anything about LBP2, but lately a lot of my as-yet-unpublished ventures in the level editor actually involves creating "levels" that are more like minigames than the typical, traditional singleplayer or multiplayer levels. The contraptions available in Clones definitely make it possible to create certain kinds minigames, albeit in ways that can be tedious and tricky to manage oftentimes, unfortunately.

I'll email you one working "level" tonight to get you a sense of the crazy ideas I've been toying around with. I'm not sure I'd want to publish that level, but there is another one (actually two, but one thing at a time...) I'm working on at the moment (completely unrelated to aforementioned level) that I'm more likely to see through.
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby rt » Thu Mar 24, 2011 12:42 pm

CCX wrote:I'll email you one working "level" tonight to get you a sense of the crazy ideas I've been toying around with

Thanks for sharing your ideas! Very creative. I'm looking forward to seeing those maps on the site :) One of the concepts i had was for a level that uses a large landwatcher over a custom shape (possibly tweakable by players before play?) which is mirrored making it a 2-player match. The winner is the group that removes all their land first. It's a race to see who can remove the land most efficiently. Not sure if i should allow the groups to interact and sabotage, or keep it isolated.
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby MitchellW » Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:47 pm

Well, looks like work was canceled for tomorrow and no one told me. So maybe I can show up too!
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby CCX » Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:41 pm

CCX wrote:Cool. Well, I guess I still won't be able to chat

It just occurred to me that I might be able to work around this by attaching a proper USB keyboard to my laptop. It's rather comical to have this big honking keyboard attached to my laptop just for that RETURN key, but I'll be at home so it'd be okay.
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby geoo » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:50 am

tom wrote:I'll be able to play at 8pm (01:00 GMT on the 27th). Looking forward to improving my multiplayer rank :)
Finally someone sane enough to post the time in a proper time zone that everyone knows their relative time shift to. :lol:
Too bad I can't be around at that time as I'll likely be out until past dawn. Playing against you yielded the most interesting games as I feel we're about on the same level (and underranked, as we both only seem play against Simon and rt :P).

I'll probably be around during the first time slot (17:00 UTC) for a bit less than an hour.

It just occurred to me that I might be able to work around this by attaching a proper USB keyboard to my laptop. It's rather comical to have this big honking keyboard attached to my laptop just for that RETURN key, but I'll be at home so it'd be okay.
That's actually what I always do, because my external keyboard is so much more comfortable to use than an sucky laptop keybaord.
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby rt » Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:16 am

geoo wrote:external keyboard is so much more comfortable to use than an sucky laptop keybaord.

My laptop keyboard has a great bounce to the keys, and the layout is perfect for programming. I recommend it - Alienware M15x.
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby Gemma » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:24 am

If I manage to get online without my connection failing me, then I'll be there (on the early one). Looking forward to it. :)

But I'll warn you now; I've never played it online before yet and am not very far in the single player game yet, so I'm probably going to be really bad at it! :D Still, it'll be a good learning experience, and I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun!
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby rt » Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:17 am

It was a fun jam. During the later timeslot some intense 2 vs 2 matches were taking place (rt & ccx VS ttk and jk). I'm scanning the replays to see which might be good for YouTube annotation, hope to have them up this week :)
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby rt » Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:07 pm

The first of the jam videos is complete:
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Re: March 26th Multiplayer Jam

Postby CCX » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:33 pm

Cool! I'm still trying to guess who's green on that one. :P
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