March 19th Multiplayer Jam

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Re: March Multiplayer Jam

Postby CCX » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:45 pm

One thing I was a bit confused about was in my match in Lurk, and in one of the other level (it was snow-themed, and I don't have a replay recorded because my WiFi connection was broken in the middle of the match). I think at certain points JK was taking control of some of my clones and make them do bad things to benefit him/his team. I assumed at the time it was the swapper trap, but I thought the swapper trap was supposed to switch the color of the clone, yet when I looked at it on my end it still looks like my color?

Or maybe I just got confused in the fast relentless pace of the match, I should review the automatically recorded replays to try and better sort out what exactly happened.


Oh, one more thing: how does one "sit out" on a match to spectate?
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Re: March Multiplayer Jam

Postby rt » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:26 pm

CCX wrote:I assumed at the time it was the swapper trap, but I thought the swapper trap was supposed to switch the color of the clone, yet when I looked at it on my end it still looks like my color?

If this is true then it would be a serious bug. I haven't seen this happen so please try to find the playback, or we can connect online and try to reproduce on the same map and sequence you remember.

Oh, one more thing: how does one "sit out" on a match to spectate?

On the multiplaye pregame menu there is a checkbox to enable "Spectator" mode.
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Re: March Multiplayer Jam

Postby MitchellW » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:15 am

I'd think 5 days is enough time. It looks like the community of multiplayer isn't really big, but growing it would require growing the number of players in the first place.

I think for a small community, more than one Jam a month might be worthwhile? For a few of us, it's the only time we get to multiplayer :-D
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Re: March 19th Multiplayer Jam

Postby rt » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:49 am

Thanks for the feedback! Let's aim for 2 Jam's a month and try different timeslots until we find one that works. Which day of the week do you think is best?
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