April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

How to host a game and locate others

Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby rt » Thu May 19, 2011 4:15 pm

I like the idea of having a single place for players to go to see if there are any planned matches coming up. On Steam our "Official Group" serves this purpose because we can create an "Event" which all members of the group can see and add comments to. The time of the event is displayed in the viewers local timezone and there is an IM sent when the event starts. Old events vanish from the page.

A single forum thread would work kind of like this, but is harder to quickly read and selectively "join" an event. I would like to see something closer to the Steam approach, simple and clean, but tailored to Clones. A single "events" page with Drupal nodes created by users indicating when they will have a server up, and the nodes will auto-delete (or archive) a few hours after the start time of the event. Similar to the Level gallery listings. Players can comment to indicate they will be joining the server and comments can trigger emails to the node creator. Any other thoughts to improve this concept?
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby rt » Thu May 19, 2011 4:18 pm

Simon wrote:Email is probably too slow, even for people who check email inboxes several times a day. Servers don't stay up for long if nobody joins within several minutes.

Yes you are right, it would need to be some sort of instant message. Perhaps we can modify this page (http://clonesgame.com/clonestats/multiplayer) to play a sound or alter the titlebar or something when a new server is detected. Then you would only need to keep this page open as a tab in your browser.
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June Jam

Postby rt » Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:08 pm

June Jams:

June 18th & 25th (Saturday)

Same times as before:
Noon (CST) - Click here to find your city.
8pm (CST) - Click here to find your city.

If you have new maps please host them, hope to see you online! :)
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