April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby geoo » Sat May 07, 2011 12:20 am

Ah that worked, many thanks! Level is up now.

EDIT: Read your comment, guess I'm gonna do that.

EDIT: Done, but it seems that it didn't replace the old level. Probably because I saved the new level under a different filename when I included it? Anyway, you can remove the package that contains both versions I guess.
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby rt » Sat May 07, 2011 12:48 am

Yeah, the filename is the unique thing, as it is in a directory. New filenames are treated as new levels, and cannot auto-replace the original. I've had to remove both packs, please upload again.

Edit: Did you also change the land color somewhere so that if you play with backgrounds disabled you'll be able to tell it apart from Cage?
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby geoo » Sat May 07, 2011 2:18 am

There's a blue tint instead of a green one on top of the platforms, not sure whether that's enough.
But I could simply change the colors of the clone groups, think I'm gonna do that.
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby CCX » Sun May 08, 2011 4:48 am

Here's a simple way to make it really :P obvious that it's Rage not Cage. I also took the liberty of adding via chat a 3-second warning before RAGE commenses.

Actually, the whole Rage thing got me thinking about my own level. I recently made a capture-the-clone level where I actually had a mechanism to reset the capturable clone if it ever falls off the map. It was meant to avoid premature draws due to carelessness, but I'm wondering now whether that's the right thing to worry about. Now I'm thinking I might need to build in a similar RAGE mechanism in my level, although I might go with an annotation-based mechanism (ie. both players click on their respective annotation to commence raging) rather than a time-based mechanism.
Making it super-obvious that it's Rage.
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby rt » Sun May 08, 2011 1:14 pm

geoo wrote:There's a blue tint instead of a green one on top of the platforms, not sure whether that's enough.
But I could simply change the colors of the clone groups, think I'm gonna do that.

Looking good! After reading CCX's post about the chat message i was wondering if you could add a countdown timer, or graphic, so that it's clear to players when the RAGE will occur? The chat shortly before the rage is also very good.
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby rt » Sun May 08, 2011 1:16 pm

CCX wrote:an annotation-based mechanism (ie. both players click on their respective annotation to commence raging) rather than a time-based mechanism.

I like the idea of giving the player more control by using clickable annotations.
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby geoo » Sun May 08, 2011 4:02 pm

rt wrote:Looking good! After reading CCX's post about the chat message i was wondering if you could add a countdown timer, or graphic, so that it's clear to players when the RAGE will occur? The chat shortly before the rage is also very good.

Yeah, while I'm not too fond of the RAGE text on the hatches, I really liked the idea of the RAGE warning message CCX added. I think I'll do some variant of this (3 seconds seem a little short), and see whether I can get some time of countdown working.
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby CCX » Sun May 08, 2011 8:32 pm

geoo wrote:
rt wrote:Yeah, while I'm not too fond of the RAGE text on the hatches

:lol: Yeah, I'll admit it looks a little silly, but there's something to be say for being direct about it. I mean, if you stopped playing the game for a few months and then come back to it, there's a chance you might not quite remember which set of entrance colors is Rage vs Cage, whereas with the text there's no chance of a mix-up. Also, overlaying it over the entrances means it won't interfere with the background (ie. one reason people turn off sky and background is to clearly see bits of terrain, so it's good to avoid putting too many unnecessary background stuff).

Other possibilities include: a) link a chat to an auto-start proximity, to send a chat when level begins (ie. during the 3-2-1 countdown) about the level being Rage. Might get annoying after playing a number of times though. b) instead of the text, you could overlay one of the stamp graphics over the entrance, maybe that of an angry clone (I don't remember off top of my head the stamps available, but I'm pretty sure there has to be an angry clone stamp somewhere).
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby Simon » Sun May 08, 2011 10:14 pm

Step 1: Get developers to support custom graphics.
Step 2:

-- Simon
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Re: April/May Multiplayer Jams And Tournament

Postby tom » Sun May 08, 2011 11:10 pm

Ha ha ha...nice pic :)

The idea of custom graphics is not new. We decided not to include support for custom graphics to keep things simple, make uploading of packages small, and auto-downloading of custom levels from the host quick.

I think at some point we may add this feature, but it's not a priority.
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