Bugs/Issues 1.24

General gameplay issues and ideas

Bugs/Issues 1.24

Postby Simon » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:55 pm


Still an issue in v1.26:

#1. Lemmings-style assignment (hold key and click Clones) uses Qwerty layout instead of the user's layout. I had stange misassignments and it took me a while to locate this.

#2. Not all OK-clickboxes are dismissable with a press of the space bar. Examples are the "couldn't join" messages in the screen with the rotating earth and "match in progress".

Resolved (or not verified again):

#3. Large/huge clones behave a bit oddly when it comes to doppler removal with exploders. The terrain removal mask increases for large exploders, but the doppler removal distance stays the same. This is an issue because the doppler's sphere of influence is much larger for large clones. It's likely best to have any exploder be able to remove any size of blocker.

#5. For the host/admin of a multiplayer game, the size selection of entrances doesn't do anything. Clones will always be the same size, no matter the setting. It isn't even saved on a click on Apply.

#6. End of a network game kicks the focus off the chat bar. Hitting Enter (or whichever key is used to chat) doesn't go back into the chat line, but instead sends its unfinished content.

#7. This isn't the case after every startup, right now it works. Original text of this issue will follow here.
-- Clonestats or Avatar publishing require the user to retype the password once after each game startup. Maybe it's saved improperly. This might need more testing.

#8. Player A hosts, player B is made admin. Both players receive the errorenous status message "A was made admin".

Hope I don't delay 1.25 for too long. ;-)

-- Simon
Last edited by Simon on Mon Dec 20, 2010 5:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bugs/Issues 1.24

Postby minimac » Wed Dec 01, 2010 3:35 pm

Hope I don't delay 1.25 for too long. ;-)

Maybe you need v1.26. I've just found another cool bug. :P

I recently made a "Procure the Particle" level, with the screen wrapped both left and right ends of the level. However, when a clone grabs a particle, and moves off to the right or left edge of the play area, the message box gets flooded with messages like "the particle has been reset!" or something like that.
I use function keys for each morph. It is much easier for me doing it this way.
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Re: Bugs/Issues 1.24

Postby geoo » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:16 pm

I've got two obscure bugs (running 1.25, I think on Nov. 30th) that I haven't managed to reproduce again, so these reports might be of little use:
First one, I got the ominous Rank 999 again on the level Drumlin (I can send you the replay if you want).
Second one, in one instance the graphics of the text in speech bubble and the number on the exit were glitched up, like in the screenshot below.
Einstein clone is talking in a cryptic language
clones_screenshot_0006.jpg (109.88 KiB) Viewed 5218 times
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Re: Bugs/Issues 1.24

Postby rt » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:17 pm

Good find! Drumlin had the wrong filename on the server so no stats were being recorded.

I've seen that mangled text problem before but i can't recall what the problem was. I thought we fixed that. We'll look into it.
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Re: Bugs/Issues 1.24

Postby minimac » Sat Dec 04, 2010 1:51 pm

Here's another one.

Apparently you can solve Project Orion by nuking (Supernova) all the clones. Even with that, you still "pass" according to the leaderboard. I wonder why this isn't the same case on Lift (Hidden).

Finally, a nice easy short solution to a horribly demanding long level. :D
I use function keys for each morph. It is much easier for me doing it this way.
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Re: Bugs/Issues 1.24

Postby rt » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:01 pm

minimac wrote:Here's another one.

Apparently you can solve Project Orion by nuking (Supernova) all the clones. Even with that, you still "pass" according to the leaderboard. I wonder why this isn't the same case on Lift (Hidden).

Finally, a nice easy short solution to a horribly demanding long level. :D

:lol: Nice solution! Of course, it doesn't get you all the qdots...
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Re: Bugs/Issues 1.24

Postby rt » Fri Dec 10, 2010 2:56 pm

Simon wrote:#3. Large/huge clones behave a bit oddly when it comes to doppler removal with exploders. The terrain removal mask increases for large exploders, but the doppler removal distance stays the same. This is an issue because the doppler's sphere of influence is much larger for large clones. It's likely best to have any exploder be able to remove any size of blocker.

#5. For the host/admin of a multiplayer game, the size selection of entrances doesn't do anything. Clones will always be the same size, no matter the setting. It isn't even saved on a click on Apply.

#3) I've scaled the doppel removal distance to match the clone that is going nova. This means that if you want a normal clone to remove a large clone then it must get closer to the center of the large doppel, probably by spinning up and dropping down from above.

#5) This is fixed, and i also added "scale" for the exit trap as well. This should make the octogame matches even more wild :)

Included in 1.26.
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